Wednesday, September 10, 2008
White House Momma...

Saturday, July 19, 2008
The 3 Year Plan...

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Good Morning Beaver!
Here is why..yesterday I was sitting comfortably on our boat minding my own business when all of a sudden something came over me and I decided to fumble my way through numnut's cell phone. I know what you are saying (men) "Oh how dare she?" Whatever..it was there. Anyway, the very first thing I found was a text message sent in the morning from a 58 year old male friend of Numnuts that contained more than 10 wildly open beaver shots. There was some girl on girl, of course the oversized booby babe and to my dismay--wide open beaver!
Now, if you know me, I am far from a prude and I am pretty damn confident in my sexuality, but for some reason it urked me. I didn't make a big deal about it and have it ruin our day, but I did ask him why his old timer friend thought that he needed or should I say would enjoy this first thing in the morning? I mean after all--Numnuts has me to look at and although I may not have the DDD mammoth boobs, I have my assets.
So, ladies, does your man receive these type of morning jumpstarts and are you offended by it? Do you feel it is disrespectful of the sender to assume your man NEEDS to be on the list of ones who might enjoy such visuals?
Gentlemen: Before you hit me with "boys will be boys" at what point (age) do boys stop being boys and become gentle-men? My main response to Numnuts was: Ok honey, how about I put together a slide show of well endowed, firm assed, big shouldered, 6'2 men and send it out to all of my female counterparts? Would you like that dear?
He responded with a simple--No. Then he reminded me that it was sent to him and that he was not the initiator. My money says that if it were not intercepted he would have become the initiator and passed it on to some other dumb ass man friend. Let's not forget the quick defensive comment, "Why are you reading my stuff anyway?" I said, I was horny and looking for some porn, he had no response, of course."
For the record: The man-boy that sent it originally is almost 60, overweight, balding, divorced, and can't find a piece of ass to save his life so therefore justified, but Numnuts has me to fondle at will so where of where is the correlation?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
"Your Space" is Creepy

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Back Again!
What can I say, I can be a slack ass once in a blue moon right? But, I have not forgotten my favorite place to rant. Maybe, just maybe, I had nothing to say. WRONG! I became enthralled with finding a "real" job. So yes..this is what I have done. I have now entered the place I swore I would never be--under the thumb of a corporate giant. EEEK! Yes I have succumb to the robotic world of 8-5. Do you believe it?
Actually, it is not that bad and I am not stuffed in a cubicle all day. I am what you call a professional saleswoman, but I don't sell anything, I rent it. For those of you who don't know I took a job with Fox Broadcasting and basically I am to find those in this slumped economy that have enough dough to spend in order to make more dough. So, if anyone needs a marketing tool that has been proven effective for years and has about 50K they would like to dish out give me a call.
So, the other issues at hand that I always enjoy ranting about....I think relationships (male/female) are the biggest drawback to our daily lives. Don't get me wrong, I like the animistic approach to the mating, but I could live without all the rest. I still have my numnuts and yes he is probably one of the better of the herd, but nevertheless a thorn in my side sometimes. Can't live with--can't live without--not sure.
Family: Good to have, hard to hold. It is so difficult managing their lives too. That brother of mine can still throw daggers even from a distance. How do some people live with themselves? I believe every one of us has a family member that thrives off hurting others. The only recourse for this type of individual is to simply dismiss them. When you are one of two children is can be a bitch picking up the slack for the wayward one, but I survive.
Friends: Necessary and needy. Ever really thought about your role with your friends? True friends wear many hats. I like hats and I look pretty good in them too! I do miss the old hey let's just get together and NOT talk about your woes in life. I for one really try not to complain about life to my friends...that is what family is for. Friends are for comfort and relaxation. They are the humorous buffers between responsibility and reality. So my thought of the day on friendship--drop the drama and use the time with your friends for laughter. No one wants to hear your woes all the time--lighten up.
Finally, make time for you. I have never been one to say it is all about me, but it is. If I can't focus on me, then I surely can't focus on you. For those of you that make more than enough time for yourself and not enough for others---step back me, myself and I--your not that important.
Ok kids, have a great day and good to be with you again.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Political Poo-Poo
Then I read one that said many Democrats will be voting Republican if Obama gets the nomination and they didn't say it, but maybe because he is black? YOU THINK? What a screwed up society! What fucking century is it anyway? So these are the so called liberals? Same goes for the women who only like Hillary because she is a woman (lesbians) and the blacks who only like Obama because he is black...sorry sistas' but you won your battle a long time ago--get over it. Nothing but a bunch of narrow minded idiots who pass there useless mindset on to their children--oh what a bright future and another reason why I don't like children.
Has anyone taken a look at the economy lately? Does it discriminate between gender or race? Hey how about only giving white men and women who marry well all the money! No discrimination there!!! It is the result of a very poorly run Republican administration that has sunk us to our lowest economic level. I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't been this broke since.....hell I can't even remember when! Oh yeah the day I moved back to Pittsburgh! So fellow Americans--do we like the chick (vagina), the brother (big penis) or the short stubby Republican?
I say down with the old white men---any minority at this point will do. Besides can you really look at McCain's turkey neck for 4 whole years. Call Dr. Brandy and order that bastard a Quick Lift.
It's All About You!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
In My Head.........

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Take a good look.......Not so pretty.

Know anyone like this? Sure you do.
So what do you think about people in your life who's primary focus is themself? And why do we try and build relationships with this type of individual? It is baffling. I could not for one minute comprehend what it would be like to spend my days absorbed in my own self righteousness. But sadly, this day and age, there are more and more of these people in our everyday society.
No, I am not talking about my numnuts. Yes, he is somewhat self absorbed, but not full on selfish. He cares for others well being, he will give to those less fortunate and he loves his family and friends. Most importantly--he does not lie and cheat to get what he wants..he earns it. I am talking about those who care so much about themself that they latch on to anyone who might GIVE them something more. You know what I mean--those fair weather friends. The ones who are all about you when they are in need (self assurance) and then once you help them pull their head out of their ass---they are on to someone else who they NEED to complete them. They disguise who they are just to get more. Well the jig is up--you are being revealed!
Here's a thought: When that selfish person falls on their face as they will again (Karma) this time--do not bend over and pick them up. You see--the truly self absorbed individual will forever fall and as tough as it may be not to help (because this is who you are) DON'T! Let them learn that they too must support and promote the needs of others. I know--hard to do, but necessary.
Truth of the matter is as follows....the selfish one will finally plateau. They will end up in that place where you know you will never be--alone. I mean really alone. I do not wish this on anyone, but I do think it is time to look deeply at those around you and ask yourself--what has she done for me lately? And then ask again--what have you done for her lately? If it does not equal out or even come close....get rid of her.
I have a long line of loving friends. Most of whom I had for my entire adult life. There is a reason for this. Taking in new people in your life can be dangerous territory. You help them, you trust them and you love them. Then suddenly when it is their opportunity to provide support or admiration for you--they fail. Yes, this does happen from time to time with the seasoned veterans of your life, but they have earned their pass.
So for those of you out there that wake in the morning and only make time to praise yourself--think again. The givers of the world will step over you on judgment day, but lucky for you once inside we will probably do what we do best and reach out that hand to let you in. Earn that extended hand people. Life is in impression and the mark you are making is not attractive.
If you have something good to say that does not involve only you--then call and tell someone today. No one cares about your money, no one cares about your greed, no one cares about your simulated good times---tell us something you have done for another.
Can you?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Never on a Sunday
The vast majority of time people who come to me only speak of the sufferings in their lives. Nothing catastrophic--just miseries. It wears me down...mostly because I too have misery, but want so much to surround myself with positive outlooks--but where are they? Don't get me wrong--I care about their misery, but I can't fix it for them. Maybe that is what bothers me most. I for one do not drown others in my routine aggressions from life mostly because no one but me can make it better. So why bother.
Everybody has an issue. Period.
Where is the humor? What about the just getting together to share a meal these days? Why is everything about what is wrong? It wears me out. Sometimes it can be crippling. When is the last time someone called you and said--hey I am so fucking happy right now I could piss myself!!!! My response would be--just do it, piss yourself it would be hysterical and good for you!!
Do you think the older we get...the lonelier we get? Shouldn't that be the other way around? Through life you build relationships, meet more people and build that network, but do we? If I think back 8 years ago--I was never alone. NEVER. What has happened to us all wanting to be together. Work? Lack of time? Selfishness...maybe.
Some of you have that network I speak of---so, hold onto it and don't hurt it or take it for granted and please, please, please, make them laugh. Call someone today and tell them a knock-knock joke or something so simple. Then when they laugh at how stupid it was take a deep breath and swallow your need to tell them what is wrong with you today and instead make them laugh again.
My quote: "I give and give and give until I can't TAKE it any more."
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My Box or Yours?

The home front while still in existence is exactly the same as it has been for the past 2 years--we exist. I have been on somewhat of a roller coaster ride suddenly feeling as if I should know exactly what all of my next moves are to be--and now! Holding pattern making me crazy. As many of you know I took a leap at checking out the corporate world (as a nobody) only to last a mere few weeks--which really should be no surprise if you know me at all.
I do not understand how people can spend years getting up every morning, going to the same building that they do not own, working in a space loaned to them by someone who has full control of their creative juices and sadly never getting to explore what they love and do best. I met a whole bunch of them at the firm. It was kinda sad. A few of them were genuises (web guys) who only stay there for the health insurance (they have kids).
My short stint as a nobody at a LARGE advertising agency was yet again a reminder that I must stand behind my belief in me and my abilities and follow my passion for taking risks and building my own empire. Thing is...it doesn't have to be a massive empire--just my empire.
Why does work have to be precisely that: Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor. Produce what? Accomplish what? The salary that has met its potential.
Ewwww--that sounds horrible. Why aren't we all entrepreneurs? What does it take to be just that......I know! It takes throwing away all of the ideas that society puts in our heads about following that labor force mentality. Personally, I would rather have a lot less then spend my days absorbed in work that does not stimulate my mind or make me feel good about myself. I am not suggesting that all people go to that "labor box" and simply plug away for nothing, but I am starting to think that most people do. Then, you plug, stress, start to own a few things (society says you should) then you can never leave that "labor box" because if you do----all of those "things" will be jeopardized. Can't lose your things ya'll!
I say, "Who needs all of those things?" That mad rush to buy a house! For what? To own something? There are a millions of things that you can own, but that house now guarantees that you MUST go to that "labor box" and if you ever thought about being an entrepreneur...you better think again. Anyone heard about those thousands of foreclosures? Those poor people have no house, but I bet they have that great "labor box."
I always love to ask people what are you good at. Ask yourself today and them write it down. I mean really good at.......then write it down. Are you doing that today? Is it possible for you to do that tomorrow? Are you happy doing what pays for that house? For the record: I do know some that do enjoy earning their keep--but they also do what they love.
My wheels have been spinning and all of you may soon be invited to explore the launch of "The Cohort Inc." details to come, but with the collaboration of a few great minds---the next phase of take that risk Sunday may soon appear. Of course I will be asking for all of your support!
My next blog is to tell everyone how I have decided on my 40th b-day to hit the sperm bank (or some hot 20 year old) and pray for a son. If I can't seem to teach the ones around me how to be manly...I will have to produce my own. See there's that damn entrepreneurial mindset again!
http://www.thecohortinc.com/ coming soon to a business near you. I want to fight for all of the risk takers in the world!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Someone Call the Guiness Book of Records.........

I started thinking about my past slew of men (and there have been a few) and I had to question why did Darren make it so long while the others had failed? Then all at once it hit me.....it has everything to do with my age! There is no way in hell I would have made it this long with my sweethearts workaholic mentality if I were younger. So, I suppose, I am what I dispise.......an aging woman who has settled. YIKES!!!! EEWWW! HELP!!! Just kidding, it is ok. Truth is...I haven't married so therefore I haven't really settled--I call it SITTING IDOL....vrooom, vrooom!
Here's the kicker--instead of grabbing my little Numnuts and doing the traditional woman thing--by saying, "It has been 4 years Darren, isn't it time you step up to the plate?" I am leaving town today on a very exciting business trip and while planning that I realized, hey, I got it pretty good! Numnuts doesn't cause me any grief for my last minute out of town jaunts, he works 12 hours or more a day and only needs me for face to face interaction from 9pm-11pm, he does not question my devotion or committment--EVER-- and all and all.....I do as I please.
My point with all of this is: Maybe the time spent with Numnuts was a major growing spurt and also a time that proved that I don't need a man for my happiness! I always knew that one, but I have learned how to manage both ends of the spectrum. So to Numnuts--I say thank you. I can't gaurantee another 4, but I can say that he has been honest, let me grow on my own and throughout the time I learned so much about myself.
For those of you who do not know my Numnuts--as you can imagine, I can be quite the task when warranted...so I think he deserves some credit. Overall, he had the best of care and devotion and for the most part deserved it.....but this party ain't over yet! I feel a huge new sense of empowerment today and since I finally made history for myself---it may be time to shake things up a little!
I told my sweetheart a couple of months ago that everything about 2008 is new and exciting for me--some big milestones are happening. Usually, I change everything in my life on a 3 year rotation....can't wait to see what happens now that I have surpassed my 3 year crunch. Hooray!
Ok...hope everyone is well and feel free to send me congrats on my big achievement! If you know me and my history---you will know that this is a very big deal! God bless Numnuts for breaking the record!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Eve Should Have Skipped the Rib..........

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Power of One.......

Why do we put the fate of our own happiness in the hands of another? Everyone I know does this. EVERYONE! So, before I get deep into this--and the skeptics "come a runnin"...every person I have ever met has allowed another person to cause them severe misery at one point in time.
Why do we let this happen? Is it that love thing? Is it that we don't love ourselves enough? Aren't there more important things we could be doing with our time than being absorbed in emotions caused by another human being?
Here is what I think: We are taught to establish relationships, we are groomed to make them meaningful and beneficial to continue the procreation of the human race. Problem is...we have to pick one person. How in the world is one person supposed to meet all our desired needs? It is impossible so we make due with what we have and go on.
We pick a person, (sometimes abruptly) and we try and try to make a wholesome and loving environment usually sacrificing many of the joys of life, but we try. Now what happens when that someone decides they don't want us anymore or we don't want them? You have just spent years accepting the relationship, building a future and suddenly you are left with nothing. According to many in this situation--the nothing they feel is ridiculously overwhelming and sometimes intolerable. So what are they to do?
A very good friend of mine has had his entire world overturned thanks to the unwarranted decision of his wife of 20-some years to leave him. According to him--she would not accept his attempt to provide more for his family when he had to start working 100 hours a week. This man who is insanely kind and loving is now shattered because she so selfishly decided not to accept his work ethic.
I being someone who has lived with a workaholic for several years understand her dismay--slightly, but I could not imagine destroying someone just because they are making an attempt at a better life for me and our family. This is all that he has done. The first 20 years this guy was home for dinner, always there for the kids, pampered his wife and now he is left to pick up the pieces that she tore apart and it is very trying.
My friend is just one of many whose world is upside down because of another. How can one person be so powerful? How long will it take for this great guy to heal those dagger wounds? Why is so much precious time and energy taken from him all because of another human beings ability to be so wretched? It is an age old mystery.......
My point with all of this is: If we love ourselves more than we love another, will it help us when the relationship fails? How is it possible for some to just walk away, rip the life out of another and go on? I for one have always been pretty good about moving on--it has come with age and experience. I have also found a tremendous love of thyself. I wasn't looking for it, time spent alone will do that to you, but I am glad I found it.
So the discussion here today folks is--what can we do to protect ourselves from the wrath of another. If we lose someone of are forced to release someone, what is the best way for a quicker recovery? If you are a heartless freak, then this one is not for you. I know a lot of people going through divorce and I have to tell you---it is frightening. The anger and hurt is almost inhuman. Maybe we should just spare ourselves the potential dangers and not expect anyone to fulfill us.....but what would we have then? It is just so confusing.
Should we all just become emotionless zombies? Oh and for those are thinking...just find someone else--that migth work for some, but I doubt it is the best answer. My suggestion to my friend is for him to turn that hurt for her into admiration of himself.
Any thoughts?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Moral Martha is a Drag.........

1. conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Is it Really Easier? No, it Sucks.

My "research" has shown that more than 85% of women who are in a committed relationship for more than 3 years claim to feel trapped in their supposed bliss because they CAN'T AFFORD TO LEAVE! YIKES!!!!! I swear to God this has been the response of almost everyone woman I come across. It send chills up my spine when I think about this (as I do of course) over and over. So let's explore exactly what that means.
Let's say her name is Sandy. She is 32, beautiful, has two little ones (also beautiful) and her other half, Paul is the primary bread winner. Now Sandy has remained a great companion, mother, home maker, and even put a massive attempt into obtaining her education and has dreams of becoming a marketing mega star! Here's the problem: Paul is an ass. He treats Sandy like a child and not like an equal. He clearly enforces that she is the lesser of the two because she is not providing the household income and has even tossed poor Sandy and the babes to the curb a few times. Tell me what Sandy is to do?
My immediate response to Sandy is to bury that SOB, but in reality she has no where to go, no money to get there, and ultimately feels like a failure breaking apart her family. So, she stays, takes his verbal abuse and will most likely spend the rest of her life wishing she were somewhere else. The only other possibility is when Sandy finishes school, she will get a job in her desired career path and be able to tell jackass Paul to go fuck himself. But do you know how hard that will be with two kids in tow? I couldn't even imagine.
Next case: Gina. She and her man Tony have been together for 4 years. They had planned early on to work together to make a future and all was heavenly bliss for the first 2 years. Tony is a workaholic, never even attempts to spend any time with Gina, nor does he appreciate her for the never ending love and care that she displays for him on a daily basis. So what's the problem? Gina has been busting her ass to achieve a new career goal for the past 4 years. When she met Tony she had just recovered from falling flat on her face after a 10 year run of independent success and failure. OK still no big deal, but here it comes.......although Tony is not a bad guy per say, he has never taken any interest in her abilities, potential, dreams or any of her wants and needs. He has basically pulled her in and left her to spend 7 days a week with no one. For the record: Tony does not share in his success with her--other than paying the majority of the household bills. She fends for herself, but has the ease of not paying the mortgage. Her name is not on the house so she refuses to pay rent to him. Tony throws that one in her face all the time.
Why you might ask? Because Tony is again the primary bread winner. His income surpasses hers and he is well aware that if Gina leaves him because of her loneliness she will struggle economically and her plans that she has been working on for their future may crumble because she will have to probably work 2-3 jobs to remain in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. OK, some might say, "If she is that unhappy then she should just leave and so what if she has to live in a little rinky-dink apartment and work 10 jobs." After 4 years of truly standing beside her man, making his life as comfortable and pleasant as possible..why should she have to struggle and give up her dreams just because he is a spoiled baby? So she sits and she waits. She is waiting for one of two things: Either Tony is going to wake up one day and realize what a prize he really has (in reality we all now this is not going to happen) or Gina is finally going to get what she is working towards and then be torn as to whether she CAN leave him or not.
You might be saying--why wouldn't she leave him if she is that unhappy? Here is her answer: The guilt is overbearing and although Tony could care less about her happiness, she knows he is not a bad guy. She also is one of those women who is prone to putting every one's happiness before her own. She thinks if and when she decides she can't stand to be alone anymore she will hurt workaholic Tony and that makes her feel sorry. So what do you think Gina should do?
With all that being said the truth of both stories and of the many others I have encountered the bottom line is this: most of the women who are experiencing this type of discomfort really had all intentions of loving their selected mate until death do you part. Now it seems that these beauties are living each day wondering, when and if. Not a good way to spend the day. Maybe, just maybe the Tony's and Paul's of the world will just stop and realize that eventually the ones they hold under the thumb can never be replaced and hopefully for all involved it won't be too late.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Car Shopping with my Favorite Person.....Dad!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Rise and Shine...It's a New Year--2008!

I had to throw that out there and if you know me you know what the hell I am talking about--but besides my obvious welcoming of the New Year I suppose I should do what most do and spent a moment reflecting. So....what did I do in 2007 that I should have done differently and how will I learn from my "so called" inadequacies? Don't you love that we are supposed to do this shit! I wonder who made that up? Anyway here is what I think:
- I should have had a whole lot more fun.
- I should have got a better handle on my anxiety and used it to my advantage.
- I should have got out of this house more instead of using it as such a comfort zone.
- I should have spent more time helping others--I do a lot of that, but there is always room for more.
- I should have displayed my good looks and vast wit in a greater societal circle.
- I should have saved more than I spent.
- I should have gotten at least one of these millions of swirling thoughts in my head published...that was just laziness.
- I should have picked my Sunday NFL lineup better. Very bad year....
- I should have told Numnuts how much I really love him a little more and also told him what a pain in the ass he can be a few more times.
- I should have had more sex.
That is the end of woulda, coulda, shoulda. I have learned to live my life with as few regrets as possible--I don't think it is healthy to put ourselves down about what we may have done wrong. It is not as if I am going to completely change everything about me just because I have to buy a new calendar!
I for one feel as if the date 01/01/2008 is a reminder of how time is passing and not so much of what is new. I am excited about a few scheduled events this year and feel confident that my holding pattern that I previously spoke of will have slight reduction in time, but besides all of that and the few ideas posted above--all is just as good as it has ever been!
For the record: Once in awhile I get an email from a friend or two who thinks that my writing on here is displaying some hidden message of my unhappiness. My whole hearted response to that is.....obviously we never talk or maybe we just email, because if you spent any time with me (personally) you would know that I am one of the most pleasant people around and truly take each day as a gift. I simply LOVE ranting once in awhile and instead of sitting around like so many do and saying, "Oh poor me" I tap the keys and say whatever the hell I feel like spitting out. No hidden misery and lots of love!
So, may I wish you all a very humble passing of the old year and I hope you find a nice calendar! And please, let's spare the resolution crap! I always hated that one. How about a few wish I woulda's? Then we can try and make sure we help each other do those things this year!