What in God's name has happened to our men? That is my opening statement with my closing to follow.
Before I even start, if this offends you or you want to create some banter about it---it probably does apply to you. For those of you men (who I know are reading this) that have a problem with what I have to say--bring it on man, bring it on!
Since when did men become such pussies? Yes, I said it--they have no balls and no idea what a woman needs---PERIOD! And it is not just poor little Numnuts, it is the vast majority of men I come across anymore. What the fuck happened to fighting for the woman you want? What about stepping up to the plate and acting like the animal you are? You men talk about us boo-hooin, bitching all the time, not given up the "goods" when the truth of the matter is---NONE OF YOU CAN FUCKING PRODUCE!
I am not going to give examples: Ladies you all know what I am talking about. The big talk game. I gonna do this, I can do that, I rule the fucking universe---you don't rule shit! I have never thought in a million years I would run into a society of men that have no fucking idea what it is to be a man....to a woman. What did your mother's do to you? I should kick her ass!
Spoiled, weak, mindless, heartless pussies. And I mean it. Numnuts really isn't a big part of this--believe it or not. It is the rest of you who have the chance to be better than Numnuts and fucking blow it in record speed. Wimps. You men wouldn't last a fucking afternoon without us picking up the disasters of your stupidity. Shame on you for losing the backbones your fathers gave you. They were real men.
Ladies if he ain't producing and crying like a little bitch or talks even remotely wrong to you--get rid of him now before you get stuck there thinking he is gonna grow some balls. He won't, but maybe, just maybe in some cave in the middle of nowhere some guy is shacked up--who hasn't been tainted by society, his mother, or a psycho ex fucking wife--just waiting for you. I can live just fine in a cave with a real man.
Now have a great day folks............love yourself.
Sunshine you and I have discussed this repeatedly and I understand your frustration.No, I live your frustration!!!They are never going to get it and the sooner we realize it the easier our lives will be. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say they just don't know how to GIVE. They take, man do they take. We, as women live our lives to please. Unfortunately that is our reality. Maybe they just don't understand some of the dumb shit that comes out of their mouths. Or that it just takes a phone call to say "Hi, thinking about you" to make someone's day. We are expecting common courtesy and that is far too much for them to grasp.
Remember you always have your room in the south!!!
Wow, who pissed in your Cheerios? You usually paint the picture of both sides and leave it to your readers to pick a side and explain why. Not this time, just men suck and that's the way it is.
What's been happening lately? I went to Peru for a couple of weeks over the holidays and your blogs went south too. You basically stopped writing daily blogs and the only one who responds regularly is Jimmy. If you have little time now, I hope it's a good busy making lots of dough so you can eventually buy your dad his dream car. Is 2008 shaping up to be a good year or not?
P.S. If you're interested in seeing terrific pictures of the Machu Picchu Incan ruins, just let me know.
Tell it to your liberal friends Kiddo! The minute a boy acts like a man or shows aggression, he's on ridlin. If he pinches some babes ass and says 'your with me' he's fired, sued, or imprisoned for sexual harrassment. Yada yada yada.
Aside from that I have to say women are reaping what they sow. You wanted to be equal. Now your equal and men don't feel the need to nurture or treat you as you would have been.
I don't include myself in this or anyone else, but there are many out there and you must know them.
Still love you kiddo and keep on venting!! Don't forget...fuck em all.
My much appreciated male contributors: Remember--I clearly stated this will not "urk" you if it doesn't apply to you.
Ok--Jimmy my boy (and according to our friend Don) my loyal crusaders, I agree. But, it is not the liberals to thank hence the word liberal...it is your stuff shirted bull shit conservatives...hence the word conservative. This is not the place to start that one, but I do agree with the ass pinchin shit and trash talking. I love that stuff and miss it dearly, but it is not I who will fire him or put him in jail. You know that. Your fellow manmates are the ones slamming the iron gates.
And James---please, the equality thing, come on. If my "triangle" is strong enough to pop a fucking human through its canal--then it should have been YOU who fights me for equal treatment. One more sign of proof God is a Man. Sat back and said..."hmmmm well give that punishment to the women too!" That will show them...she can make life form, but he will be king! Whatever, time to vote for a new God--I'll take Buddha.
But I do love ya and also know that you do act the man...even when you boo-hoo about your sweetie.
Long lost Don! How are ya--you crazy world traveler. Good for you and welcome back.
Hey, by any chance did you find my caveman? Is he as fabulous as I know he is? And don't go and send me some crazy pic of a villager from Machu Picchu and say, "Yeah here he is!" I would like to see some of those other pics though. Good for you for discovering our world---have you found a girlfriend yet? Just kidding!
All is just peachy around these grey and snowy round parts. I got extra busy and my crazy rants had to take a hiatus, but I am back and ready to tear up some ass....obviously. But all in all--life is pretty cool. If I could only start a school named, "Be a man boy--just like your poppa."
I have decided I need and old man. One just like my father--right about 60, no wait, I recently got turned down by one of those too! Hard to imagine, I know. Nevermind--how about school is just about finished--I woke up Numnuts at midnight on New Years just to tell him this is the year I get to leave him! Kidding, but also got my hooks into some great new career opportunites--so all and all life is good. Glad to see you back and as I told Jimmy my boy....don't take offense to my comments and yes, I am being one sided on this, but this one really baffles me. I like the old school don't be afraid to lead me and let me do for, and if you know a better way, I will follow. I always said, I would be the best queen to a king who can actually rule his land--I could make history with him.
Any real estate for sale in those ruins? Been looking for a hut to write a novel.
Roxy...right on, right on.
Love ya and I need a bigger room, because if I head down there my door will need to be a revolver like they have at the mall! One in, one out, one in, one out....
Love ya and find some time for me biotch before I go all ape shit and beat the hell out of someone.
I really have nothing to say, cuz you said it all CS!!! I honestly wish I could be a man for a month or so and teach a class on how easy it is to please your 'partner'...To me, the battle of the sexes goes way beyond Men from Mars and Women from Venus!!! If a man just can't be a Man at least once a day, then what's the f'in point for their existence...Or maybe it's just in America that men are like this...Well, there's only one way to find out, Let's go and do some experimenting for about a year or so (b-4 it gets too late!). Are ya in??? Bring your girls from down South too:)I know life isn't easy and I'm not looking for perfection, but it can't possibly get any worse and yet it does.
Sunny, you didn't urk me and I kind of agree but I know it can't be both ways in today's world.
Considering your current state, I'll let this go but all I'm saying is if you want a man to fight for you, you better be ready to fight with him when you choose to be independent.
I'm kind of old fashioned, conservative. I miss the days when being a good mom and a wife wasn't looked down on. I never minded taking care of everything and bringing home the bacon, I just wanted some respect. So I think I understand where you're coming from. But make no mistake the liberals pushed equality and sexual harassment issues to the point where most men aren't willing to risk their reputation and careers on saying hey sexy, lets have dinner and fuck tonight.
(hopefully they'd be smoother but you get the idea)
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