Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Box or Yours?

Let's see...where do I begin? It has been some time since I produced yet another, rip, roar, rant so I suppose you can say--I have been idle. All in all things have been pretty--progressive.

The home front while still in existence is exactly the same as it has been for the past 2 years--we exist. I have been on somewhat of a roller coaster ride suddenly feeling as if I should know exactly what all of my next moves are to be--and now! Holding pattern making me crazy. As many of you know I took a leap at checking out the corporate world (as a nobody) only to last a mere few weeks--which really should be no surprise if you know me at all.

I do not understand how people can spend years getting up every morning, going to the same building that they do not own, working in a space loaned to them by someone who has full control of their creative juices and sadly never getting to explore what they love and do best. I met a whole bunch of them at the firm. It was kinda sad. A few of them were genuises (web guys) who only stay there for the health insurance (they have kids).

My short stint as a nobody at a LARGE advertising agency was yet again a reminder that I must stand behind my belief in me and my abilities and follow my passion for taking risks and building my own empire. Thing doesn't have to be a massive empire--just my empire.

Why does work have to be precisely that: Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor. Produce what? Accomplish what? The salary that has met its potential.

Ewwww--that sounds horrible. Why aren't we all entrepreneurs? What does it take to be just that......I know! It takes throwing away all of the ideas that society puts in our heads about following that labor force mentality. Personally, I would rather have a lot less then spend my days absorbed in work that does not stimulate my mind or make me feel good about myself. I am not suggesting that all people go to that "labor box" and simply plug away for nothing, but I am starting to think that most people do. Then, you plug, stress, start to own a few things (society says you should) then you can never leave that "labor box" because if you do----all of those "things" will be jeopardized. Can't lose your things ya'll!

I say, "Who needs all of those things?" That mad rush to buy a house! For what? To own something? There are a millions of things that you can own, but that house now guarantees that you MUST go to that "labor box" and if you ever thought about being an better think again. Anyone heard about those thousands of foreclosures? Those poor people have no house, but I bet they have that great "labor box."

I always love to ask people what are you good at. Ask yourself today and them write it down. I mean really good at.......then write it down. Are you doing that today? Is it possible for you to do that tomorrow? Are you happy doing what pays for that house? For the record: I do know some that do enjoy earning their keep--but they also do what they love.

My wheels have been spinning and all of you may soon be invited to explore the launch of "The Cohort Inc." details to come, but with the collaboration of a few great minds---the next phase of take that risk Sunday may soon appear. Of course I will be asking for all of your support!

My next blog is to tell everyone how I have decided on my 40th b-day to hit the sperm bank (or some hot 20 year old) and pray for a son. If I can't seem to teach the ones around me how to be manly...I will have to produce my own. See there's that damn entrepreneurial mindset again! coming soon to a business near you. I want to fight for all of the risk takers in the world!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Someone Call the Guiness Book of Records.........

Sound the alarms! Call the press! Today is a milestone in my life! It is my 4 year anniversay to Numnuts.....4 years! I can't even believe it! This makes the record books as Citizen Sun's longest running relationship---EVER! Since I am soon to be a fabulous 37, it has me doing some thinking about how this has been my longest relationship and why?

I started thinking about my past slew of men (and there have been a few) and I had to question why did Darren make it so long while the others had failed? Then all at once it hit has everything to do with my age! There is no way in hell I would have made it this long with my sweethearts workaholic mentality if I were younger. So, I suppose, I am what I aging woman who has settled. YIKES!!!! EEWWW! HELP!!! Just kidding, it is ok. Truth is...I haven't married so therefore I haven't really settled--I call it SITTING IDOL....vrooom, vrooom!

Here's the kicker--instead of grabbing my little Numnuts and doing the traditional woman thing--by saying, "It has been 4 years Darren, isn't it time you step up to the plate?" I am leaving town today on a very exciting business trip and while planning that I realized, hey, I got it pretty good! Numnuts doesn't cause me any grief for my last minute out of town jaunts, he works 12 hours or more a day and only needs me for face to face interaction from 9pm-11pm, he does not question my devotion or committment--EVER-- and all and all.....I do as I please.

My point with all of this is: Maybe the time spent with Numnuts was a major growing spurt and also a time that proved that I don't need a man for my happiness! I always knew that one, but I have learned how to manage both ends of the spectrum. So to Numnuts--I say thank you. I can't gaurantee another 4, but I can say that he has been honest, let me grow on my own and throughout the time I learned so much about myself.

For those of you who do not know my Numnuts--as you can imagine, I can be quite the task when I think he deserves some credit. Overall, he had the best of care and devotion and for the most part deserved it.....but this party ain't over yet! I feel a huge new sense of empowerment today and since I finally made history for myself---it may be time to shake things up a little!

I told my sweetheart a couple of months ago that everything about 2008 is new and exciting for me--some big milestones are happening. Usually, I change everything in my life on a 3 year rotation....can't wait to see what happens now that I have surpassed my 3 year crunch. Hooray!

Ok...hope everyone is well and feel free to send me congrats on my big achievement! If you know me and my history---you will know that this is a very big deal! God bless Numnuts for breaking the record!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Eve Should Have Skipped the Rib..........

What in God's name has happened to our men? That is my opening statement with my closing to follow.

Before I even start, if this offends you or you want to create some banter about it---it probably does apply to you. For those of you men (who I know are reading this) that have a problem with what I have to say--bring it on man, bring it on!

Since when did men become such pussies? Yes, I said it--they have no balls and no idea what a woman needs---PERIOD! And it is not just poor little Numnuts, it is the vast majority of men I come across anymore. What the fuck happened to fighting for the woman you want? What about stepping up to the plate and acting like the animal you are? You men talk about us boo-hooin, bitching all the time, not given up the "goods" when the truth of the matter is---NONE OF YOU CAN FUCKING PRODUCE!

I am not going to give examples: Ladies you all know what I am talking about. The big talk game. I gonna do this, I can do that, I rule the fucking universe---you don't rule shit! I have never thought in a million years I would run into a society of men that have no fucking idea what it is to be a a woman. What did your mother's do to you? I should kick her ass!

Spoiled, weak, mindless, heartless pussies. And I mean it. Numnuts really isn't a big part of this--believe it or not. It is the rest of you who have the chance to be better than Numnuts and fucking blow it in record speed. Wimps. You men wouldn't last a fucking afternoon without us picking up the disasters of your stupidity. Shame on you for losing the backbones your fathers gave you. They were real men.

Ladies if he ain't producing and crying like a little bitch or talks even remotely wrong to you--get rid of him now before you get stuck there thinking he is gonna grow some balls. He won't, but maybe, just maybe in some cave in the middle of nowhere some guy is shacked up--who hasn't been tainted by society, his mother, or a psycho ex fucking wife--just waiting for you. I can live just fine in a cave with a real man.

Now have a great day yourself.