I had to throw that out there and if you know me you know what the hell I am talking about--but besides my obvious welcoming of the New Year I suppose I should do what most do and spent a moment reflecting. So....what did I do in 2007 that I should have done differently and how will I learn from my "so called" inadequacies? Don't you love that we are supposed to do this shit! I wonder who made that up? Anyway here is what I think:
- I should have had a whole lot more fun.
- I should have got a better handle on my anxiety and used it to my advantage.
- I should have got out of this house more instead of using it as such a comfort zone.
- I should have spent more time helping others--I do a lot of that, but there is always room for more.
- I should have displayed my good looks and vast wit in a greater societal circle.
- I should have saved more than I spent.
- I should have gotten at least one of these millions of swirling thoughts in my head published...that was just laziness.
- I should have picked my Sunday NFL lineup better. Very bad year....
- I should have told Numnuts how much I really love him a little more and also told him what a pain in the ass he can be a few more times.
- I should have had more sex.
That is the end of woulda, coulda, shoulda. I have learned to live my life with as few regrets as possible--I don't think it is healthy to put ourselves down about what we may have done wrong. It is not as if I am going to completely change everything about me just because I have to buy a new calendar!
I for one feel as if the date 01/01/2008 is a reminder of how time is passing and not so much of what is new. I am excited about a few scheduled events this year and feel confident that my holding pattern that I previously spoke of will have slight reduction in time, but besides all of that and the few ideas posted above--all is just as good as it has ever been!
For the record: Once in awhile I get an email from a friend or two who thinks that my writing on here is displaying some hidden message of my unhappiness. My whole hearted response to that is.....obviously we never talk or maybe we just email, because if you spent any time with me (personally) you would know that I am one of the most pleasant people around and truly take each day as a gift. I simply LOVE ranting once in awhile and instead of sitting around like so many do and saying, "Oh poor me" I tap the keys and say whatever the hell I feel like spitting out. No hidden misery and lots of love!
So, may I wish you all a very humble passing of the old year and I hope you find a nice calendar! And please, let's spare the resolution crap! I always hated that one. How about a few wish I woulda's? Then we can try and make sure we help each other do those things this year!
Happy New Year gorgeous! I'd like to thank all the IF crusaders for posing for the picture above. Although I was so frazzled that I got lost driving home last night. My God, the asses are incredible!!!!!!
This has been a pretty eventful year for me and as I look back it has probably been the most successful year I ever had. As I struggle to move forward there are only two people that will be there... one is leaving and the other is you. This year will hopefully be the greatest of my life! If things go my way, I promise to help with the having more fun resolution.
Thanks for always being there to talk and to make me laugh. Not many people can do that! Go wake up Numnuts and ride him into oblivion!!
Happy New Year to you all.
One more thing, last week I saw an article in the Pittsburgh Post that was a reprint from the New York Times. Although I generally avoid such liberal humdrum, I couldn't help but notice the author's name - Dan Barbaro. Just a few letter changes and that becomes Sunday!!!! You'll make it and I promise I'll read it , even if it's about Hillary! You go girl.
I knew you would like that lead in Jimmy...
I figured you deserve it since you have stayed true to communicating with me! I just enjoy ranting and you always seem to have something to say--so thanks for that.
I know you have a few tough days coming up and I want you to know I am here for you. Just keep your head up and remember that whatever is happening is meant to be. Sounds simple, but if you really wanted it all not to happen you probably could stop it. You know "who" I am referring to. Things will be great...you'll see! Finally, it is about damn time you said something good about your success. I have been trying to tell you that!!!! You really should listen to me once in awhile!
Thanks Sunny. I'll try to listen more often! Oh yeah, start freeing up your calendar!
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