Whoever invented text messaging should be shot! I think it is the number one cause of communication breakdown in our society. Over Christmas I got 6 "Merry Christmas" text messages. Nice gesture, but damn is it that hard to just pick up the phone and blurt it out for a whole 2 minutes? I think text messaging is a complete and utter cop-out and let's people excuse themselves from REAL communication. It basically says, "I have just thought about you for 30 seconds and I really don't want to talk to you, but hey it's the thought that counts--right?"
On Wednesday I took my niece and nephew to the mall. Yes, I know--brave and selfless. Anyhow, they both got new phones from Xmas and the entire ride there and for some of the duration of our visit-- there was the constant beep, beep, beep of incoming and outgoing text messages. I finally put a stop to it, but not once did these kids utter a word to their preteen mutants. It was ridiculous. God only knows that they were sending (probably Aunt Sunny has a fat ass) and if I were a parent there is no way my kids would be allowed to be sending these uncensored, unmonitored, God knows what--never ending-secretive-meaningless-misspelled-blurbs.
Sure let's help all the morons who can't spell as it is create their own language. That's what I would want for my child. No need to spell it properly or even feel as if you must speak, just send it in a text message--that's good enough. What the fuck is wrong with this world? Why are we allowing this ignorant form of laziness to surpass the necessary traditional means of conversation and communication?
I asked my niece if she ever goes over to her little girlfriends house and just hang out. This is exactly what she said, "Not too often Aunt Sunny, we just text." It made me sick. What happened to slumber parties and going to your "BFF's" house just to talk about the boys in school? I saw something on 20/20 last night that stated that more than 7 million people have clicked on the moronic site You Tube to watch this ugly little kid sing a song about chocolate, then this little monster got a commercial deal with Dr. Pepper and appeared on talk shows. It was absolutely ridiculous and if I were one of America's millions of enemies I would be doing just as they are.....LOL at what misfits we have become.
R U ABLE 2 TLK? I think so. Where is the sophistication? Where is the expression? Where is the passion in your voice and sincerity in your eyes? What if I am not telling the truth? Fuck it..no need, I'll send a text message.
On Wednesday I took my niece and nephew to the mall. Yes, I know--brave and selfless. Anyhow, they both got new phones from Xmas and the entire ride there and for some of the duration of our visit-- there was the constant beep, beep, beep of incoming and outgoing text messages. I finally put a stop to it, but not once did these kids utter a word to their preteen mutants. It was ridiculous. God only knows that they were sending (probably Aunt Sunny has a fat ass) and if I were a parent there is no way my kids would be allowed to be sending these uncensored, unmonitored, God knows what--never ending-secretive-meaningless-misspelled-blurbs.
Sure let's help all the morons who can't spell as it is create their own language. That's what I would want for my child. No need to spell it properly or even feel as if you must speak, just send it in a text message--that's good enough. What the fuck is wrong with this world? Why are we allowing this ignorant form of laziness to surpass the necessary traditional means of conversation and communication?
I asked my niece if she ever goes over to her little girlfriends house and just hang out. This is exactly what she said, "Not too often Aunt Sunny, we just text." It made me sick. What happened to slumber parties and going to your "BFF's" house just to talk about the boys in school? I saw something on 20/20 last night that stated that more than 7 million people have clicked on the moronic site You Tube to watch this ugly little kid sing a song about chocolate, then this little monster got a commercial deal with Dr. Pepper and appeared on talk shows. It was absolutely ridiculous and if I were one of America's millions of enemies I would be doing just as they are.....LOL at what misfits we have become.
R U ABLE 2 TLK? I think so. Where is the sophistication? Where is the expression? Where is the passion in your voice and sincerity in your eyes? What if I am not telling the truth? Fuck it..no need, I'll send a text message.
Amen Kiddo! I totally agree and I think you hit on yet another reason why America is dooomed. These ignoramous kids have even dumber parents and it's only getting worse. K!
The era of irresponsibility is upon us and may God have mercy on our souls.
I too am guilty of sending out the Christmas text, but not because I don't want to talk with everyone, but because I am sending it out to over 50 friends and relatives. I wish I had enough time over the holidays to sit and call each and every person that I sent the text out too, but people visting, going to visit, kids, family, run, run, run lifestyle doesn't allot me that option.
I apologize if I offended you and must forewarn you that I will once again offend you tonight at midnite for New Years. If you would like me to remove your name from my list of Fav people I can, regrettably do so. I just can't call everyone or I would be up making calls till 7:00am 2 days from now. Some people when you get them on the phone you can't get them off, that's just how it works. I love talking with them and could do so for hrs on end, but just don't have that kind of "free" time available in my life to do that.
I agree that alot of people give these to their kids and don't supervise who, what, and how their kids are communicating, but this was the same arguement when computers & emails 1st came about as well. And when cell phones first became reasonibly priced enough to become an item that everyone now has. Which ever new craze that comes along there is always a generation or 2 in front of it that is put off by or has an annoyance of this new fashion or craze.
So now I have a debate within myself, should I text you at midnight to wish you a Happy New Year or not. My first thought is to say "hey, suck it up, I'm thinking about you and want to wish you a Happy New Year", but the other side of me says, "if Sunday doesn't want to be bothered by my thoughts and well wishes of her then just remove her from your Fav list". Man, that would suck.....
Jimmy, I hate to disagree with you again, but when was this era of responsibility ever upon us. None of this is new. Maybe it looks different, but its the same wolf wearing sheeps clothing. If you think America is doomed now you should go back and read the history books about what happened in America during the 1950's and 60's. Not to mention the era of Prohibition in the 20's and so on and so on.
Oh it's okay if you disagree with me anon, that's what this is about. You are right about one thing it all started in the 50's and 60's, because for the most part, babyboomers are horrible parents. They taught their children that morality and acceptance could not coexist and now we're left with no leaders and idiots for citizens.
Prohibition was a mistake, but I think people were much more responsible then. There was no welfare, you worked or you sunk, and you raised your children to have dignity and respect for others. Think about what happened in WWII. A war like that will never happen again because people here would rather lie down or bend over. I'm not saying a war like that not happening is bad, but if it became necessary this nation would fold!
At no time do I mean to insult our armed forces. The majority of those people know and understand what it takes even if they disagree. I give them ultimate respect for still caring about this country the way they do. I on the other hand, love my country but despise the majority of my countrymen.
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