Well hello friends! I know it has been some time since I tapped my little fingers on the keyboard, but as with all of you--the holidays exhausted any free time. But, I am back and have a whole lot of new things to share so I hope you all will find the time to say hello and flatter me with your correspondence.
So, my thought for today is as follows: How in the world can people maintain professional jobs and be so damn incompetent? I had an appointment this morning with someone at 9 A.M. Having inherited my Italian grandmothers ridiculous 6th sense.....I decided to call said appointment host only to be told that he decided to take a few more days off and would not be returning to his PAID position until next Wednesday.
Since when can you just drop important-scheduled appointments and not bother to contact anyone? Don't bother calling me, I will just rearrange my whole day for this asshole so that he can sit on his fat ass at home a little while longer. This all runs in the same category with me about those who are late, those who completely suck at their jobs that we have to tolerate and my other biggest one--not getting what you pay for.
I ordered an online gift certificate for Numnuts at Boatersworld.com. Do you know these jerkoffs took my large amount of money (immediately) then claimed 3 times to have sent me what I ordered and then accused me of not being able to properly use my email. Now I am no genius, but one thing I do know is how to use this damn computer AND MY EMAIL! It was some little Asian guy who didn't even speak English telling me that it was my fault. I went berserk....
Needless to say, I called back the office where I had a scheduled meeting this morning and tore a new asshole in his supervisor making sure to state that I had lost valuable time and money because of his employees ignorance and negligence.....then I demanded my money back within 24 hours from Boatersworld.com and told them to find at least one person who might speak fucking English to deal with the public. I refuse to take this shit as a consumer and member of what is supposed to be a competent society. Do some research...this type of shit does not happen in other nations. This is a sloppy, American trait.
Everyone needs to watch the movie Sicko by Michael Moore. It clearly reiterates how screwed up our society really is. Americans are fat, lazy, selfish, ignorant and our government is intolerable. Many in our society do not deserve the freedom that we all take for granted. Watch the movie and you will see what I am talking about. We let our people starve and die of illnesses that can be prevented...how is this possible? I for one am 100% for socialized medicine.
Hillary Clinton tried for it years ago (and then got bought out)--maybe this round she can make it happen. Unless of course all of the fat, lazy, insured people would prefer a few more children go without care and let's not forget all of the hero's from 9/11 and our wounded soldiers who now wait for their demise because they have no health care. I could rant for hours on this one, but just watch the movie.....
So, how's everyone else doing today?
For the most part I agree. Welcome back by the way.
Americans are disgraceful. I would never consider putting my uniform back on and fighting for this pathetic society. I, in my short time on this Earth, have witnessed the complete decay of the America I once knew.
This is a society of entitlement instead of opportunity. Everyone has their hand out and according to this new politically correct -lame ass country, everyone deserves everything. Fuck no!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone deserves a chance to earn everything and that's where it stops.
The second part of this new-wave lame society is the 'noone is responsible for anything' movement. (I hate to bring this up, but the movement was solidified by the Clinton Administration) Just like the dipshit who left you hanging, and the retard that told you your computer skills where lacking. I see it everyday! People who loaf and are half-ass, yet making the good money and screwing up my planet.
Everyone should have healthcare, but I personally never want to see it socialized. If there's one thing you already know, and said, the government can't do shit right. Stop and imagine them controlling our healthcare.
If you aren't pooping your pants right now you should be.
I'll try to keep this part minimal! Hillary couldn't govern her panties let alone this country. I really don't have any issue with a woman president but Hillary isn't even a woman. She's more like a pseudo-enraged lesbian that plays the game with out ever getting into the bush.
WOW!!! I hope this is an end of year steam blow off Ms. Sun. You can't change the world or even someone elses opinion most of the time(which they are, I suppose, entitled to).
I hope you don't carry all of that frustration and hostility around with you. If you do you are a heart attack waiting to happen.
And Jimmy, the new-wave lame society where no one is responsible for anything movement that you refer to has been going on since the days of Christ. It actually was solidified in politics by Nixion and Watergate, and again by Reagan with the Iran/Contra Olie North crap not to mention Anita Hill. Nothing new about this non-movement.
Well hello Anon,
First--thanks for commenting, I like your style. Secondly, what I speak of does not define my hostility or actual frustration...they are simply topics and could never cause me to have a heart attck. But in the event that they would, I would be absolutely screwed due to the fact that I had to drop my health insurance because they demanded $330 a month! Here's the best part..this massive increase came into play because they decided somewhere along the way that I---yes I might want a baby. Yep, that's right, they feared that I might change my mind about my age old decision "NOT" to have children. (Guess they don't read my blog) Something about my age...yadda yadda. I was being forced to carry maternity and that was that.
So, as any bull headed "IF" Crusader would...I told them to go fuck themselves and now I would risk dying in the event of major illness. Reason is...if something happened I would probably over look it as long as possible just so I didn't have to go to the hospital because the last thing I want or need is a $100,000 hospital bill. As with millions of my fellow Americans.
Have you heard about the other millions who actually do have coverage, but have to take half of their required, life-saving meds because their fab insurance won't pay for the full amount? Just the tip of the sinking iceberg.
So, I guess you could say I have a little frustration, but that is why I have this great genre! And if I do have a heart attack because I can't stand the ignorance of unskilled, overpayed workers--then maybe they should be required to apply their health insurance to my needs. Kinda like an auto accident...if they cause it, their policy will cover me. Sounds ok to me!!!!
I can't agree with you anonymous about the new wave lame society starting in Christ's day, unless you are referring to the thousands that were so brainwashed they refused to acknowledge the miracles happening right in front of them. In Christ's day, if you didn't work, you didn't eat and you took care of your family, etc..
As far as politics goes, I wasn't around for Nixon,(if I was I was only a baby) but I think it started a little earlier when some Irish Mobsters got their son elected president. Of course, he was handsome, young, and oh my god Catholic (we won't hold that against him will we), so I guess it's okay if historically he was one of the worst foreign policy leaders ever. Reagan? Iran/Contra? I think that was all about responsibility. First of all it was a great plan that went south, (supply arms to the contras to kill our enemies) but most Americans are far to lame and stupid to realize what it takes to have a country where fools like them are allowed to live free. Most of the world would like us gone and considering the mentality in this country today, it's only a matter of time before that happens. Now Anita Hill, maybe but I'd have to go back and do some reading!
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