Oh how I love the world of technology. Our fabulous information highway has made it possible for people to crush one another without even muttering an actual word. The past few days I have received three different rejection emails. Two were from big PR companies I was attempting to work for and the final was from an online magazine I pulled my hair out to produce a ridiculous "How To" article that in my opinion was better than anything I have seen on their site. And no I am not being biased...it was too well written.
Ironically, I am surprised that I received any correspondence whatsoever. My point with this is how easy it has become for anyone to just squash another in a matter of seconds. Think about it---you can send an email that is of grave importance to you and within a matter of seconds the recipient can come back with a complete and utter shut down of your dreams or aspirations. Crazy.......
I think companies should be required to meet with every individual that has enough interest to even want to work for them. I am not saying that every Tom, Dick, and Rita that thinks they have a shot should be cordially invited to sit with the CEO, but if someone is qualified, educated, and aggressive enough to pursue you--then they should be able to pitch their intent face to face.
If I was a big gun at one of these firms--I would be curious about potential team players. My thoughts would be, "I wonder if this pain in the ass little shit can be molded and guided to make me more money." Simply rejecting people via email is a loss to our workforce and just another victory for "Old Whitey" as I call him who has sat at the helm far too long.
Am I pissed off that I keep getting rejected---sure am. Will it stop me from continuously pursuing what I know I deserve--no fucking way. What I will do once positioned where I feel I should be is make a valiant effort to let those who took 13 seconds of their lives to tell me no---why they should have taken 15 minutes to tell me yes. I am tired of the old white men ruling the universe....I really mean that.
I'm sorry that you have had such a bad week. Sometimes it just feels that no matter what you do to make things happen, road blocks always appear. Remember the saying "what doesn't bring you down will make you stronger"(or something like that)I have to believe that everything happens for a reason so don't let the bad guys win!!!
It's their lose......
Hi there Ms. Roxy,
I have decided that those for whom reject me are providing me with a favor. I figure the right fit is yet to come. Thanks for the encouragement--this all falls back to the holding pattern and my lack of patience. Hope you had a great weekend. We need to discuss the January plan--I need specifics due to class scheduling and certain obligations.....thanks!
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