Sunday, April 6, 2008

Political Poo-Poo

OK let's just throw this out there......Clinton or Obama? Oh, or that old guy? Can't forget him. Anyway, if you are a Democrat you have been given two choices to potentially lead this screwed up country. I read an article last week that claimed white men are voting for Obama simply because they refuse to have a woman in the White House. Those are the men with very small wood by the way.

Then I read one that said many Democrats will be voting Republican if Obama gets the nomination and they didn't say it, but maybe because he is black? YOU THINK? What a screwed up society! What fucking century is it anyway? So these are the so called liberals? Same goes for the women who only like Hillary because she is a woman (lesbians) and the blacks who only like Obama because he is black...sorry sistas' but you won your battle a long time ago--get over it. Nothing but a bunch of narrow minded idiots who pass there useless mindset on to their children--oh what a bright future and another reason why I don't like children.

Has anyone taken a look at the economy lately? Does it discriminate between gender or race? Hey how about only giving white men and women who marry well all the money! No discrimination there!!! It is the result of a very poorly run Republican administration that has sunk us to our lowest economic level. I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't been this broke since.....hell I can't even remember when! Oh yeah the day I moved back to Pittsburgh! So fellow Americans--do we like the chick (vagina), the brother (big penis) or the short stubby Republican?

I say down with the old white men---any minority at this point will do. Besides can you really look at McCain's turkey neck for 4 whole years. Call Dr. Brandy and order that bastard a Quick Lift.


Anonymous said...

If Obama was hung, he wouldn't be running for president. Hillary is hung so maybe my theory is flawed. Has anyone taken a look at McCain's old lady... holy shit is she hot for an older gal. Many could take lessons.

In case you can't tell, I'm not a liberal. I can't bear the thought of any of these candidates winning the election. They're a disgrace.

On the other hand, as one of the not-so-old white guys, when does my time arrive? I've been fucked by desegregation, ethnic quotas and any other form of reverse racism you can think of. I don't owe any white person or black person or yellow person jack shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it's ok to call me white than colors are good enough for the rest of you. I hate political correctness and it, not global warming, has fucked this country beyond repair. Maybe when people realize what freedom is about, they'll stop whining about what they're owed and go out and earn it like Numnuts and I do.

Just for the record, I'd vote for Alan Keys in a second but Obama bin whitewashed is too stupid and way too liberal for me. Hillary well she's hillary and the last eight years of her fucked us to the point where...never mind.

JP for president!!!!

Citizen Sun said...

Angry white man for president! Oh wait--we have had those for years. But what could the white man be pissed about? Huummm that he has had every single opportunity handed to him since the day he fell out of mommas crack?

Look at the history books my friend. Tell me..why has this world been led by white men? Are they the only formidable creatures on the planet? I think not! I love the white man, but no matter what--he needs to stop being the one making all of the decisions for me and my fellow minorities.

He has been selfish and held the reign far too long. I can't stand another tax season or another year without health insurance. Yes...this is a Republican issue--period. And with Republicans comes white men. As for Obama--his wife makes me ill. McCains wife is hot, but with all that money...she should be. And for Hill--I have always had had a secret passion to sleep with Bill.

Well JP--I would vote for you. Only because I know you are not a racist, I know you love women, and I know you have had your fair share of hard knocks. You also know the struggles thay we all face on an economic level. Mostly I would vote for you because your so damn crazy! At least we would be gauranteed some humor.

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