The term selfish: devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
Know anyone like this? Sure you do.
So what do you think about people in your life who's primary focus is themself? And why do we try and build relationships with this type of individual? It is baffling. I could not for one minute comprehend what it would be like to spend my days absorbed in my own self righteousness. But sadly, this day and age, there are more and more of these people in our everyday society.
No, I am not talking about my numnuts. Yes, he is somewhat self absorbed, but not full on selfish. He cares for others well being, he will give to those less fortunate and he loves his family and friends. Most importantly--he does not lie and cheat to get what he wants..he earns it. I am talking about those who care so much about themself that they latch on to anyone who might GIVE them something more. You know what I mean--those fair weather friends. The ones who are all about you when they are in need (self assurance) and then once you help them pull their head out of their ass---they are on to someone else who they NEED to complete them. They disguise who they are just to get more. Well the jig is up--you are being revealed!
Here's a thought: When that selfish person falls on their face as they will again (Karma) this time--do not bend over and pick them up. You see--the truly self absorbed individual will forever fall and as tough as it may be not to help (because this is who you are) DON'T! Let them learn that they too must support and promote the needs of others. I know--hard to do, but necessary.
Truth of the matter is as follows....the selfish one will finally plateau. They will end up in that place where you know you will never be--alone. I mean really alone. I do not wish this on anyone, but I do think it is time to look deeply at those around you and ask yourself--what has she done for me lately? And then ask again--what have you done for her lately? If it does not equal out or even come close....get rid of her.
I have a long line of loving friends. Most of whom I had for my entire adult life. There is a reason for this. Taking in new people in your life can be dangerous territory. You help them, you trust them and you love them. Then suddenly when it is their opportunity to provide support or admiration for you--they fail. Yes, this does happen from time to time with the seasoned veterans of your life, but they have earned their pass.
So for those of you out there that wake in the morning and only make time to praise yourself--think again. The givers of the world will step over you on judgment day, but lucky for you once inside we will probably do what we do best and reach out that hand to let you in. Earn that extended hand people. Life is in impression and the mark you are making is not attractive.
If you have something good to say that does not involve only you--then call and tell someone today. No one cares about your money, no one cares about your greed, no one cares about your simulated good times---tell us something you have done for another.
Can you?
Know anyone like this? Sure you do.
So what do you think about people in your life who's primary focus is themself? And why do we try and build relationships with this type of individual? It is baffling. I could not for one minute comprehend what it would be like to spend my days absorbed in my own self righteousness. But sadly, this day and age, there are more and more of these people in our everyday society.
No, I am not talking about my numnuts. Yes, he is somewhat self absorbed, but not full on selfish. He cares for others well being, he will give to those less fortunate and he loves his family and friends. Most importantly--he does not lie and cheat to get what he wants..he earns it. I am talking about those who care so much about themself that they latch on to anyone who might GIVE them something more. You know what I mean--those fair weather friends. The ones who are all about you when they are in need (self assurance) and then once you help them pull their head out of their ass---they are on to someone else who they NEED to complete them. They disguise who they are just to get more. Well the jig is up--you are being revealed!
Here's a thought: When that selfish person falls on their face as they will again (Karma) this time--do not bend over and pick them up. You see--the truly self absorbed individual will forever fall and as tough as it may be not to help (because this is who you are) DON'T! Let them learn that they too must support and promote the needs of others. I know--hard to do, but necessary.
Truth of the matter is as follows....the selfish one will finally plateau. They will end up in that place where you know you will never be--alone. I mean really alone. I do not wish this on anyone, but I do think it is time to look deeply at those around you and ask yourself--what has she done for me lately? And then ask again--what have you done for her lately? If it does not equal out or even come close....get rid of her.
I have a long line of loving friends. Most of whom I had for my entire adult life. There is a reason for this. Taking in new people in your life can be dangerous territory. You help them, you trust them and you love them. Then suddenly when it is their opportunity to provide support or admiration for you--they fail. Yes, this does happen from time to time with the seasoned veterans of your life, but they have earned their pass.
So for those of you out there that wake in the morning and only make time to praise yourself--think again. The givers of the world will step over you on judgment day, but lucky for you once inside we will probably do what we do best and reach out that hand to let you in. Earn that extended hand people. Life is in impression and the mark you are making is not attractive.
If you have something good to say that does not involve only you--then call and tell someone today. No one cares about your money, no one cares about your greed, no one cares about your simulated good times---tell us something you have done for another.
Can you?
Hey, she's back!!!
I can honestly say that I don't do much for others cuz I don't know many people where I live that I care enough for to do anything. Well, that's not entirely true I guess...at school I'm pretty much always helping someone out i.e. notes, homework assignments, study guides I created, xtra scan trons to those who don't have one, etc...I also do silly things like say please and thank you, hold the door open for people whether they're behind me or coming in, let people in during traffic, you know, the civil duties I suppose our mothers taught us...respect others, try to treat others as you'd like to be treated. Did you ever see that movie Pay it Forward with Kevin Spacey??? I think Oprah did a thing on it years ago. Well, I'd like to believe that when you're kind to others that the person pays it forward by being kind to someone else, a friend,a stranger, a relative, whomever. I must say that in my everyday life I am truly kind to all animals and I think they're thankful for it. Karma, crazy or not crazy to believe in it? I think you have to believe or one might just drive themselves nuts...glad to see you're writing again
I tend to differ ???. You are a very giving person. What you do for your family is enough to give you a pass! Yes, I read the book Pay it Forward....great story.
The selfishness I speak of is feuled by people who lie and cheat to gain their success. Worst part is you know they got there by applying those methods and not by their true talent. I always support other peoples success, but when you try and gain that success by your own true earned merit and see another get it when they don't deserve it---it urks me! Worse part is--what if they could help you reach your potential and are so selfish they just don't! Those are the truly selfish ones...Karma baby. Karma. Thanks for posting ???. I miss talking to ya!
OK I'll respond and try not to be the long winded blow hard that I am, but I am what I am.
I do not consider myself to be selfish individual in any way, but I am and so are you and so is everyone to one extreme or another.... Have you ever passed someone broke down on a street or on a bridge??? Not your problem - right???? Or in a hurry to be where you (I) need to be.. Or have you ever done something a little underhanded because it was going to benefit you and no one else??? I think we all have at one point in time...
It may take a minute to recognize this, but we have all been there... So what is it that defines selfishness???? I think we all do what is best for us and the situation we preceive is at hand to try to benefit us or our families without thinking of the possible recourse that might be at hand from our actions...
I'm not so sure it as much as judgement or selfishness as it is lack of understanding as to what the entire possible recourse of our action might be. And then and only then does our own personal situation weigh into the decision(s) that we make.... I might be crazy, but I've been called worse =)
WOW!!!Not to be selfish but I am assuming that this is directed at me for a misunderstanding on both of our parts.
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