Yee ha! Man, I feel another baby brewin!
OK, I can't take it anymore! So here it goes...
Dear Women of the United States of America:
In case you have forgotten, this year marks the 150th anniversary of the real womens movement. Ah yes....women's rights, we can vote, no more standing around the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant no more! We still have a ways to go (equal pay for one), but hell...we have come a long way ladies. With that being said--what the **** is going on with this ridiculous 20 point rise in support by white women of the PTA mom, moose hunter, hockey mom extraordinaire, baby makin, Vice President Elect, Saucy Sarah Palin.
Let me tell you what her nomination was...it was a marketing maneuver at its finest and the white women of the U.S. were the target demo and man oh man what sorry ass consumers we have become.
Seriously, it all happened like this. A bunch of political strategists brought in some big wig ad execs--maybe from a genius company like Nike or Target, but someone said, "OK, all we need to do is pick some woman, make her "family oriented" make sure she has a boat load of kids, a big mouth, and make sure she is somewhat pleasant to look at and surely all of the white women who have supported Hillary Clinton will jump on board and vote McCain!
Ladies....this is an insult to all of us and does a pistol packing momma who clearly states over and over again that her biggest accomplishment in life was lying on her back 5 times to produce her babies--constitute a great leader. I think not. Have any of you taken the few minutes needed to read her official bio? She has a mere BA in Journalism, was Mayor of a town with a population smaller than my neighborhood (7800) and clearly hates gay people and womens rights. I love gay people, who doesn't love Ellen Degeneres? But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
I understand the mindset--put a woman in there and that will soften the blow of possibly having another blue-haired-old-man pounding our country into the ground. But damn people---couldn't you find someone less mommy and more maverick (as they like to call themselves).
John McCain sounds like he should be a character in Sesame Street--Maverick? Maybe a hundred years ago, then he met his hot wife, helped her spend her daddy's money and bought his way into politics, then he openly insults the women of this country by choosing a running mate who has lesser credentials than our youthful Mayor of Pittsburgh.
This is an outrage. Is that what we have become? Haven't we worked our tails off for the past 150 years to be more than baby makers? My stomach was turning during that Republican convention and I really watched it with an open mind. Up until that point, I was taking a stand as an independent voter and was hoping the Republicans would give me something to work with. If one more woman of supposed power stood on that stage and boasted her abilities to make babies--I was gonna puke.
Tell 18 year old Susie or 28 year old Juanita who both have 5 kids from various Joe's, live on my tax dollars and could care less about the struggles that their children will endure---that the production of multiple children is their finest accomplishment. Hey why not--that is all the Republican women had to offer. Hey ladies, have a bunch of babies, teach your daughters to have a bunch of babies, become mayor of a piss ass little town, shoot a moose and you too can be Vice President of the United States of America!
Lastly, if I were the ad exec brought in during this round table of ignorance..I would have at least pitched Condi Rice. Two birds one stone--a black woman. I love Condi and if you want to read something impressive--read her bio. Remember kids, when John McCain's tapped out ticker decides to call it quits, our fair country will be run by the PTA and the message to all of the would be female CEO's of the furture is--lay down and spread em girls, our country needs more children!
Hey Sunday! Good to see you writing again but I must say I'm surprised. I thought you would be happy about this move.
Let me say that when I heard the news I was pissed off. But as I really started to think about it, I realized exactly what it was...a strategic manuever. Am I happy about it? No, but it may be one of the best political moves since Billy stuck that cigar in Monica. Sarah Palin is the polar opposite of Barack. She is very far to the right, and she has limited experience but I will argue that she has more than Barack and I think that's the point. She attracts the more conservative voters that shy away from McCain and she does attract the younger women.
I think the thing you missed was that her target audience was white men. She's pretty hot even though her snapper is probably tore up from the floor up. She likes guns and hunting and even though I've never hunted, I must say there's something sexy about an outdoorsy woman.
I will concede that she definitely was brought in to attract the pissed off Hillary voters. I also concede that I'm dissappointed that McCain was the best republicans had to offer. However, all of that pales in comparison to the disgrace and injustice done to the American people by offering up Barack Obama as a presidential candidate. First term senator, done nothing, no experience, no real job ever other than feeding off the Chicago political wheel and potentially a sleeper cell fake ass Christian with loyalties to Islam and racist black militants.
God help the USA if this is the best, on both sides, that America has to offer. I will say one thing that everyone should really think closely about. When I was a very young man, I would have died for this country and considered myself proud and honorable. After watching this society decay as it has in the past twenty years and listening to the stupidest, most naive jackass' otherwise known as the average american, I say we are reaping what we sew. This pathetic society has no real leaders left because everyone is hooked on entitlement thanks to CNN, MTV, and the welfare system. I still love the idea of America and there is no place better on Earth, but I'm thoroughly disgusted with the American culture and 98% of the people here.
Glad to hear from you again and I hope everything is well.
I live in a neighborhood that's 99.99% Republican. Everytime I go to work it's all I hear...she's so hot, Think with your brain you IDIOT! She is hot, but can she run our country when the silver fox kicks the bucket! Hockey Mom no more, she'll run this country in the ground!
I, like you, watched both conventions with an open mind. And I must say, I CANNOT EVEN STOMACH MIZZ SARAH ANYMORE!!! She's not like you or me or any other typical mom with 5 kids! Even though I was completely disappointed with Hillary's loss, I'm still a believer for women's rights and universal healthcare...that's pretty much the bottom-line for me. And if Hillary is going to back Obama (can't believe he's the ONE), then I am too. So what if he's so-called inexperienced...he has passion and that can go a long way with power by your side.
I can't even stand looking at McCain and Palin side-by-side...they look like they don't even know one another...the whole thing is so disturbing, her poor husband, Mr. MOM. This entire presidential race is a disgrace! I can't wait till HIllary has her day!
Thanks for speaking up, cuz I have no one to vent with on this issue :)
Hi Sunday,
It's been a long time, so I decided to see what you were ranting about now. You seem to discount any woman who has had kids regardless if they have an impressive bio. You do have to admit that anyone (regardless of gender, race, etc) who has become one of our fifty state governors has reached a significant life milestone.
According to your April 6th blog, it appeared you were leaning heavily toward Hillary before she finally accepted defeat to Barak in June. May I remind you that she popped out a fairly ugly pup too? If you honestly want to address who falls into the limited experience category, then you'd be fooling yourself if you didn't put Hillary, Barak and Sarah into that group. That leaves the two old guys, John and Joe.
From my perspective, this is the first election year where I believe either candidate will be good for the country. I also think their victory or defeat will ultimately boil down to their VP picks. If John wins, then Sarah leveled the playing field for those who would have voted for Barak primarily to break the racial barrier by making his ticket a gender breaking alternative. And if Barak loses, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Joe failed to encourage the undecideds to vote for the "I'm entitled, Robin Hood - take from the rich" bunch.
My vote boils down to this, I'll take the "TESTED-COUNTRY FIRST" guy over the "UNTESTED-PARTY FIRST" guy anyday of the week. We need someone who will undoubtedly protect our envious way of life from the evil cross-hairs of Islamic extremist terrorists and corrupt Russians who are willing to sell conventional or nuclear technology to the highest bidder. Without the help from Russia, rogue oil rich nations like Iran and Venezuela wouldn't have a chance of becoming serious threat to Americans in the near future.
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