Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday Night Rendezvous.........
For those of you who knew me when.........."My how life has changed." Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that I have a potential mother-in-law for whom I can "hang with", but geeze oh man what a fucking snore monster I am becoming. It is times like this that I really miss the good ole days.
This goes to show how many personalities we possess. This morning I was thinking about Vegas. Going there in the past, dancing all night, making strange new friends and man how I would enjoy a trip like that right now. This evening I will be chit-chatting about holiday cookies and saying, "Oh I just love the ones with the kisses."
I have to wonder if there is a way to combine the two? I know one way, but unfortunately the one person who can help me with this is has yet to produce. For the record mom just called and asked me to pick up devil dogs and ice cream.......oh someone kill me.
What is even more baffling is when did my guy suddenly start enjoying these things? I hope I am not to blame for that. I better ask him....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Repeat After Me......

I think it it safe to say that women constantly express their emotions (even the tough ones) only to find that the person for whom they are expressing them self to (if male) often neglects to respond. I am being very vague about this so here is a fine example.
Gentlemen: If a woman says how she feels about you or a certain subject open your mouth and say something back! It does not have to be the right response--just a response. Nothing is more frustrating to a woman than feeling as if she is talking to a mute. If you are privileged enough to have her tell you she misses you, she wants you, she can't wait to screw you....whatever, use that moment to your advantage.
Ladies tell me if I am right about this: If your man takes 3 seconds and responds to something you have presented to him, does it or does it not have the ability to influence your entire day? Yes, I know...amazing that a few little words could have such a great impact. Honestly, I think it is pathetic, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
So let's all practice---ready? WOMAN: Hi Mike. How are you? Hey I just want you to know that I really miss seeing you. MIKE: I miss seeing you too. Oh my god!!! See how easy that was? Guaranteed the person for whom Mike just said he missed will have some added pep in her step and be happily thinking of great ways to reward him. It is really that pathetic.
Women are driven by words. Good words, bad words, just give her some feedback. If Mike didn't miss her it is OK for him to tell her that too. She would rather know then assume that he might. Finally the one word answers...OK, NO, YES, SURE---I fucking hate them. I need at least a please just spit it out. It could really make someones day.
I am not suggesting that all men are guilty as charged (Don, Jimmy) but the majority I have encountered in my life do this on a daily basis and it is something we women discuss endlessly.
So a 3 second response enough to make your day?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Dare to Dream...Then Make it a Reality!

Monday, November 26, 2007
God Has an Amazing New Angel.......

This morning I received the very sad word from my lifelong friend Hillary that her grandma that we call "Oma" passed away on Saturday, November 24, 2007.
I remember this special woman as being one of the strongest and influential women I have ever met in my life. She was powerful and beautifully soft all at the same time.
Oma was everything I strive to be on a daily basis. She demonstrated feminine strength long before most women realized they could. My deepest and most sincere love and condolences goes out to Hillary and her entire family.
Jansje (Oma's given Dutch name) means "A Gift From God." She certainly was and now our God has her back--Thank you Lord for letting us share her with you. She will be missed in our hearts everyday, but never forgotten.
Thank you Oma for being an influence in my life.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
How Do You Function?

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Where is the Excitement?
On Thursday, I raced around to everyone's house to make sure I could pitch in and help all of the cooks/hosts only to receive a little less than a nod of thanks. The crowds at both houses sat around all hum-drum and beside my normal anxiety--they all bored me to death.
Then yesterday I got up early...pulled out the remainder of the Xmas decorations anticipating hours of long work and childhood excitement only to get it all done and look around and say, "Well that really fucking sucked." Now what?
Finally my beloved 12-year-old niece stayed the past two nigths so that she could work me for her $80.00 boots (she just had to have) only to discover that once they were bought the fun was also abruptly over.
Where is the excitement? Am I the only one that anticipates things are going to be fulfilling only to find that they are NOT! I people have spicy, entertaining lives? If so...could someone please give them my number. I feel so vibrant and young all of the time, but my days are becoming motherly. I told my Numnuts that my lifestyle is perfect for a little Numnuts--although I would rather have my eyelids pulled over my head.
Those of us without husband and child (and I know who you are)---why are we living the lifestyle of the "married and motherly" and not taking advantage of the "free and frisky" lifestyle that we actually have? I woke up this morning and realized that all of the "nice" shit I did the past 2 days actually sucked and I am tired of convincing myself that all of this goodie-goodie stuff is going to make me happy. I am very good at it...but I think it straight up blows.
What if I got hit my a bus tomorrow. The final things I did were make some stupid cookies, dust off 100 stuffed snowmen, buy a 12-year-old (who would rather be on her myspace) some expensive boots and wash a thousand dishes for my mother. Oh shoot me now!
My alter ego is on high alert. No more Mary Poppins bullshit for me---I hate Mary Poppins she is creepy. I am looking for those of you who want some excitement in your life. Let me know if you do.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.......
This is a true classic and well worth a look! I hope everyone has a tasty and memorable Thanksgiving Day! I just heard that the average person eats 5000 calories on this day. Isn't that wild? I say eat, eat more, and eat again. Oh and don't forget to thank the cooks more than once.
Everyone needs to get up and carry some dishes and the main cook should sit down. I like football too and probably have a few bucks riding on the game so we should all jump in and get it done!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I am truly grateful for each and every one of you.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Have You Ever Noticed?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Slightly Premature..but What the Hell!
So with Thanksgiving upon us and the mad rush to please everyone just around the corner--I am asking each of you to take a moment and list 5 things you are truly grateful for. Be honest, creative and remember the tone of this forum..anything goes. Don't be shy and the we all know the healthy, good family, ones.......
Here is my list:
1. I am grateful that I have a nice ass.
2. I am grateful that I am not only attractive, but really smart too!
3. I am grateful that I still enjoy sex and my sexuality.
4. I am grateful for my ability to see the good and bad in people and not judge them.
5. I am grateful for my wonderful life---so that I can spend my mornings doing this!
6. One extra for good measure....I am very grateful for my Numnuts. I forget sometimes, but today I made it my mission to let him know.
OK--there you go.
And you?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Baby Boom or Baby Bust?

I for one feel it is my absolute duty to care for the well-being of my parents. Sadly, too many "adult children" remain in the position as "child" and continue to take from their parents even though they should be quite capable to fend for themselves, but don't.
My parents are both 60 years old. By no means considered elderly, but statistics show that most life altering illnesses develop during this period of your life and if you beat it---you have a greater chance of survival through the 80's.
So what does this mean to me? It means that I should and can do as much as possible to make their life a little easier. It is my obligation and I do it without any reservations. I know people who still take money from their parents, make them babysitters, basically let their beloved parents fend for themselves with household maintenance and physical obligations.
I say to these overgrown thumb suckers.....shame on you! The years that our parents are discovering are supposed to be joyous and hassle free. We should not drown them with our sorrows and we should make as many sacrifices as necessary to ensure their comfort and security. On a personal only brother is one of these children. He selfishly bombards my parents with his woes in life and I constantly provide all that I can for their comfort.
We need to remember that our parents are responsible for our initial existence and up until we reach maturity, but not for the duration of our lives. The tables should turn and we should want to make life as easy as possible. My parents pretend as if they don't want my help...but they do and they generally appreciate it.
My question to all of you is: Do you or will you provide for your parents when necessary? Do you feel it is your obligation or a priviledge?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Say it, Mean in and Say it Again!

It is important as women to speak our minds at will. Daily I encounter strong, big-hearted women who have something weighing on their minds, but instead of releasing it and moving forward--they repress it. This can be a very dangerous scenario.
A recent study came out that suggested that women have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke because of our innate ability to just hold back aggressions. We produce a chemical called oxytocin that supposedly helps calm us during times of intense stress (work, children, relationships, crisis, etc.). Sounds great, but here are some facts:
*Women who bury their emotions (to keep the peace) are 73% more likely to suffer from heart disease later on in life.
*Over 60% of women believe their biggest health threat is breast cancer but heart disease kills 6 times as many women as breast cancer.
*Heart attacks often strike without warning. If a woman does not realize heart disease is a health threat, she will not make heart healthy changes or respond to symptoms once they occur.
*Women are less likely to survive heart attacks then men. Doctor's still don't know why. Stress is a major factor in causing heart disease in women.
My point with all of this is---if you have something on your mind please say it, mean it, say it again and get it off your chest. If you don't it may just kill you.
So friends for the sake of your health and to keep that pretty little heart "a tickin" please express yourself today. Let it out, get to the point and then let it go...........
Friday, November 16, 2007
I Don't Like or Want Children...So What!

I have learned to somewhat take it as a compliment--every would be mother-in-law I have ever had has asked me to make them a grandmother. Guess that says something about me. I tend to give a smart ass answer nowadays. Something like, "When doctor's figure out how to make them come out of his pee pee." Or, when I decide if I really like you." That one always seems to change the subject. I adore my "someday" mother-in-law, but since I openly tell her that I don't really like children (bring on the criticism) then one would think she would stop asking!
Designer purse snatchers (as I call them) are not for everyone. I love my niece and nephew, but I also love sending them home. There are thousands of "IF" women out there just like me that say, "I just don't like them." As much as I love the holidays.....sadly the topic will come up and usually at the dinner table surrounded by his entire family...
It is time for people to accept the fact that it is OK for a woman to admit that she does not carry the motherly gene. If she is over 35 and doesn't have a DPS there is probably a very good reason.
So my "IF" to admit your likes/dislikes for the little ones?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Why it's Good to be Bad......
Who in the hell made up all of these rules and why do I have to follow them? This is what I want to know. And what about those of you who say, "Screw the rules, I am going to live my life for me?" I say--Amen to you rebels because it really does not pay to be good.
Last night Numnuts (who for the record has been fantastic while my girl was in town) said to her..."Stick around, Citizen Sun will make sure you stay on the straight and narrow." It actually made my stomach turn. Since when am I so good that I could guide another on a better path?
I never wanted to be that person. I want to be a hellion. Why? Because if people become accustomed to you ALWAYS doing the right thing then look out when they think you have done something wrong. You might as well paint a Scarlett letter on your chest and parade around town because all of a sudden you are devil girl.
I know a few people who I used to shake my head at and think---How do they live with them self? Now, I have a new attitude. I say, forget that straight and narrow line that is supposed to lead you through the pearly gates. Hey according to my religion big man upstairs ALWAYS forgives so why should I care what the commoners think?
Finally, I am starting to believe that if you are generally bad...think of how much praise you will get if you do something good! Might be worth a try.
So are you tired of being good?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Lucky Little Me.......

Off to the Steeler game with NC's finest.......Sonnie. I hope those 80,000 people at Heinz Field know what their in for! Have a great day everyone and NM---you are a gem.
Friday, November 9, 2007
What is Yours is Yours...Hey What About Me?
According to Money Magazine women are rapidly becoming the breadwinners in the family. I say hooray, but the studies also show that these women are having to battle each day somewhat denying their success. What gives?
"Women who earn more tend to behave very differently from men who are the breadwinners according to relationships claims money expert Professor Jan Pahl."
I am not one of these women--YET. Numnuts makes substantially more than I do. I used to be OK with that---now it is my mission to surpass him. But when I do---he will want for nothing. Maybe.
Are we as couples supposed to share our earnings equally? Am I wrong for thinking that our lifestyles should be comparable?
I primarily fend for myself-he takes care of the household expenses, but hell--it's his house! I take care of all of my expenses and everything (food, supplies, etc.) that comes into this house and do everything humanly possible to make his life easier. Cook, clean, laundry, his get the drift. He even gets his jammies set out for him at night (pathetic, I know).
Our finances are completely separate. I have a problem with that. Do I want access to his checkbook? No way....but when he wants anything and I mean anything...he gets it. This is not the case for me. I am very conservative on spending, not because I want to---I have to.
Is it fair for the breadwinner to eat all of the bread and only give the supposed love of their life a little nibble of the crust? Am I wrong for thinking that he should want to share his success with me? Keep in mind......odds are within the next 2 years...I will be earning more than him. This has been the master plan, which had always included me sharing every ounce of it with him.
What gives?
*For the record...he has done a lot for me, but he has gotten every bit of it back by the quality of care he receives.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Does She/He Have a Name?
My Puta
I just call him tiny! When I was younger, it was Mr. Oneeye.---Jimmy
I call mine lonley---Anonymous know who I am!
And the rest of you?
Call David Cooperfield..We Need Some Magic!
"Think about it...the only thing that separates a routine relationship with other family or friends from an intimate relationship is the SEX!"
I absolutely agree with that statement and the overall consensus seems to be that we all need to find ways of keeping the magic alive. So, what can we suggest to one another to keep our commitments while fulfilling our personal desires?
I ask that each one of you list a few things that you have tried or that you have considered trying and let's see what we come up with. Here are my suggestions:
1. Once a month meet in a hotel. Go to the bar and casually wait for your suitor. Be strangers, talk, introduce yourself, flirt and then take it to the room. Don't overly plan it...just time and date. Ladies...pull out that lingerie that has dust on it and consider wearing it under a trench coat.
2. If you cook dinner for your mate--how about dressing as a little school girl and be strategically bent over the stove ready to serve..when he arrives. (this ones for the girls--so put your bobbie socks away Jimmy!)
3. Forbidden places. Show up at their workplace, sneak of to the bathroom during a family dinner (Thanksgiving is just around the corner) or how about reverting back to the high school days and go parking!
OK...there are my top picks. And you?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Please take a moment.........
The results are still pending, but as she discussed the details with me all I heard was this amazing woman find humor with something that would make most people fall to the floor.
What I am asking from each and every one of you is this:
Whether you believe in God or not, I want you to take a moment and pray for her. That's all--just take a moment and pray that she will get through this unharmed and ready to keep those who love her most smiling.
For the sake of her privacy let's just call her Daisy. God will know who we are talking about.
Oh and Daisy......I got your back.
Thank you.
For the Record........
I have dreamed of being a writer my entire life. I took a thousand different paths that kept me from that dream, but am finally in a position to do what makes ME happy, but I want to use it to help others. Many people's lives are wrongly affected due to their relationships.
So where does the "IF" Crusade fit in? As each of you take those few minutes and join me in exploring these topics--I am developing articles for submissions in various publications. Am I looking to get rich from it--NO. Am I looking to discuss matters that in one way or another affect us all-YES. Some might say, "What does penis size have to do with anything?" Maybe our input will help some great guy understand what his woman needs because she has not been able to tell him. Maybe a woman has never achieved an orgasm in her entire life and can take some of the tips from all of you and finally enjoy her sexuality. Maybe she is newly single and hasn't given up on men and wants to get back out there.
Am I an expert in any of these topics? Depends on what you consider expert analysis. My sexual experience is extensive...I am 36 and have proudly lived. Would I be considered a sex/relationship expert? Academically--no, but life experience--yes. AND SO ARE ALL OF YOU! I get very disgusted when I read articles from people discussing relationships and sex or women's issues and it is solely their perspective.
All of the information you share with me with be utilized with one goal in mind. Everyone deserves a respected, loving, powerfully-sexual relationship and together we can guide each other to achieve such bliss.
I sincerely thank you for getting involved and I welcome all topics, genders, criticism, and perspectives. We may just turn all of this into a book and each of you will be fully credited and treated to the party of the century--on me!
If you would like to present special topics you may email them to or in the comment section and we will certainly address them.
**SPECIAL NOTE: Coming soon--I have an expert financial advisor who is going to be providing tips on investing for the "Frugal Female." The idea is for us to learn how to take what we make (regardless of income) and use it for financial gain and security. Yes it can be done! For the record ladies....he is very handsome. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Soul Sister Addendum....
You are the glimmering light at the end of a dark cubicle. You are such a positive, fierce female and anyone who meets you should call them self lucky. Your Tommy--while deserving, should thank God everyday that he has you to lean on...I know I do. Thanks for opening up and joining me on my crusade. You are a gift.
Jimmy--I have officially dubbed you one of my girls. Take it as a compliment. I hate girls. You have become a very trusted and needed part of my life. You are my friend without judgement you are my pillow talk pal. I value your belief in me and never stop telling me what a great ass I have! Thanks for being you.
Last, but surely not least....Little Miss Emily: She is someone who met me at my lowest point and reminded me of how to laugh, accept, and find my strength all over again. She is a winner on every level and if God ever wanted to pinpoint one person to show the world "How to be a mother" he would pick Emily. She is a blessed old soul in a vibrant young woman's body! Thank you Emily for always being there and for helping me keep my head up to shovel in the food!
Wife Swap--Threesomes. Not for Me-Some!
As open minded as I claim to be--this is something that I have never been able to comprehend. I understand the erotica...but could I stand by and watch Numnuts bang some wildly-willing fresh meat? No fucking way.
Admittedly, I have used my half-tainted-creative-mind to visualize this act during a mid afternoon "solo" romp, but the idea of watching him tear into some new beaver is stomach churning.
Confident or not......sharing your Numnuts (in my opinion) is an admission of you feeling unable to satisfy your mate. As stagnant as relationship sex can become---there must be another way.
Threesomes---let's see. You are single, it is Tuesday, you are having some drinks with one of your fabulous "IF" friends and the 6'2 hot ass bartender is ready and willing.....what the hell.
For the record..the couples I am referencing above (wifeswap) are no longer coupled. Correlation?
Monday, November 5, 2007
So What do you Want for Christmas?
The Skinny on a Huge Topic........
Here is what I would like to you address:
1. Does your emotional state control your sexual pleasure?
2. Is your point of orgasm determined upon insertion or full penetration?
3. Positions that increase/decrease pleasure regardless of size.
4. Girth or length?
5. Do all women hate doggie style or is that just me?
Since I know for certain that each of you has experienced BOTH ends of the spectrum...tell me how it worked out and what did you do to make the situation better.
That should do it for now. The article will be submitted to a men's mag as soon as I finish, so tell me-- Charlie or Tommy?
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The Importance of my Soul Sisters....
As a young girl I found myself completely uninterested in "girl things" such as Barbie, playing house, dress up, all that crap. I enjoyed baseball, dirt bikes, wrestling matches with the neighbor boys (ha ha) and pretty much anything that would put me with the boys. I have to wonder if there is a correlation between my comfort zone with them in the past and how I view them today.
Anyhow: Today's topic is dedicated to my beloved handful of female friends who have seen me at my absolute best and followed me through my absolute worst.
A few of my favorite episodes with each and why I love them:
Hilly G.--Shoe Shine Girls, Waking up in a strange place in Mexico, Hockey Players, Robert Plant episode, Myrtle Beach at Ohmas, bullying chicks in high school, my entire adolescent years, that forever bond.
Rhonda---The day you arrived at my store so that I could follow my dreams, the piercing, the many late nights feeling no pain and talking and dancing for hours, giving you my grandmothers ring, the strong support you always gave me--even when you new I was wrong, Hooter Days, that forever bond.
Sonnie---Terrible Tuesdays, plant delivery night, the day you walked in my store, your courage when the worst of the worst has happened, making cheese funny, how you always seem to be there in the morning, your sexuality, that forever bond.
Amy---My entire LA experience, the "G" level, when you do the little old lady, your courage to make big changes, when you forced me to fire you and then called me that night to party, busting in to all the cool clubs in LA, your ability to find me no matter where I am, that forever bond.
Denise---The newby of the bunch, Sunday morning's watching the people go to church, helping me find my damn horse, how I can tell you anything without an ounce of shame or embarrassment, your twisted incredibly bright mind, hunting down Tyler, your truck driver mouth, how you accept me for me, that forever bond.
I could go on and on about these amazing women. Ironically, with the exception of Denise...none of them are married, nor do they have children. I don't think there is one man good enough for any of them..........just my opinion of course.
My dear friends, I love you more than life itself. You have made me the person I am today and I feel it is important to let you know that no one could ever replace you.
Thank you for sharing my life with me.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Be Proud of Your Sexual Past.........
If you are above the age of 25 and have yet to sign that legal document that proclaims your love for another---odds are you have a sexual past. Good for you! If you are above the age of 35 and have yet to sign the financial proclamation of your love-odds are, you have an extensive sexual past. Lucky You!
I have never been ashamed of my sexual past, in fact, I am proud of it. There may have been one or two that I should have passed on, but is that something to be ashamed of? Hell no.
The "IF" Crusade supports the idea of woman enjoying and exploring their sexuality. The notches on her bed post should be symbols of her self confidence--not scars of her past.
So, in my opinion here is a list of benefits to having explored my sexual urges:
1. I don't feel like I have missed out on anything that has to do with men.
2. I am comfortable with my body and accepting of physical faults--every body is beautiful.
3. I have something to add to the physical act--too many women lay like a crime scene chalk line.
4. I can openly discuss topics related to sex with my partner-which is the key to great sex.
5. Because of my sexual ability-I do not worry about my mate looking elsewhere.
6. I understand and have mastered the male anatomy. What do they really like, where not to touch, where to touch, how to make it last longer, working with smaller/bigger mechanical parts.
7. I understand and have sexually mastered the male libido. Why they don't always snuggle, what not to say during and afterwards, why it is easier for them, different forms of sex, etc.
8. I have no problem introducing myself to men or telling them exactly what I want because I know what it is.... (the challenge is getting them to listen).
9. I can do spectacular things with my body, mind, and soul that should be shared.
10. Positions, positions, and more positions.........
All of this information was passed on to me by my past lovers and I would like to thank them. So, tell me...what is wrong with a woman who has a phenomenal sexual past? Is she not to be trusted? Is she a dirty pirate whore? Or is she a huge advantage to some lucky bastard?