When I was a little girl I told everyone that I was going to be the first female NFL referee. Yep, that was my one big wild goal in life. I liked their uniforms and I liked that they got to play with all the boys.
To my knowledge that industry is yet to have a female "ref" so maybe I can still fulfill that fantasy.......I would love being able to pat those boys on the ass every Sunday and say, "Good job big guy!"
Do you ever think back to what you dreamed of when you were a child? Do you remember how fun it was to dream of doing those things? Are you doing any of them now? If you had one dream that you could make a reality tomorrow--what would it be and do you think it is remotely possible to fulfill?
My adult dream: Be a critically acclaimed writer who spends half of my year in Europe promoting my work and the other half back home in 2 bedroom loft on the Upper West Side in NY.
Do I think it is possible.....sure do.
The way I look at it--I have at least 30 more years to produce my dreams. I figure the first part of my life was for me to figure out who I am and what I can do. The second is to implement what I have discovered and apply it. If I had my dream too early in life I would have probably blown it and most likely wouldn't have appreciated the effort it took to get there.
I can't stand it when people say, "Oh, I am too old to start that now." I feel that only applies when you are too dead to start that now.
Dreams? Ever thought about making them a reality? Don't get me wrong if the NFL came to me and said, "Hey Citizen Sun, how about putting on these tight white pants and chasing some big men with great big beautiful asses around the field every Sunday." I would be all over it! Odds are I have a better chance at the writer gig, but you never know.....
That message couldn't have come at a better time for me. I agree people that give up on their dreams because they think they are "too old" is silly. You are so right Sunday!
PS I think you would look fabulous in those tight white pants! I have seen your onion....naked!
I dreamed about becoming a fighter pilot to help the DoD deter (strategic goal) or destroy (tactical objective when deterrence fails), but unfortunately for me and fortunate for the rest of the world the USSR evil empire collapsed in 1989 which caused the number of pilot slots to drop dramatically. In 1992, that dream faded away as I turned a cool 27 years of age and officially became too old to fly fast USAF jets anymore.
Nowadays, I lowered my standards a bit and would just like Bill Gates to clean my pool every week once I develop the next best computer thing. I’m not exactly sure which idea will become the next best thing, but it never hurts to shoot for the moon. If you aim too low, you’re only going to hit dirt! Maybe once I become rich enough to own an air force, I can revert back to my original dream and fly any damn plane I can buy for myself.
Hey there anonymous person...easy now with the onion talk. But I am gonna go and find me a pair of those tighy whities and sport em---just for you!
That's pretty cool Don. I actually wanted to go the same way. I enlisted in the USAF to get money for school so I could be a jet pilot. I had much less noble intentions. I wanted to be the guy destroying our enemies as most of them greatly deserve. I also passed the age limit just before I could close the deal.
Sunny, for now my only dream is to find happiness and to pose in Playgirl when I'm forty. I've never seen an issue, but I doubt many guys that age get in there.
Will you be posting a shot of your onion?
Hi Don...what a shame you didn't get to follow that dream, but I have a feeling you found solice in another area of work. Why don't you learn to fly now? If I had a love for something like that I would jump on it. I have been lookng for a friend to fly me around on my last minute trips so get on it!
Bii Gates cleaning your pool...that's a huge stretch, but I like the concept. Let me know when that happens because I would love to have him come over and clean ours too!
NO ONION PICS JIMMY! I think this is so cool that the you and Don aspired towards the same dream. Small and sometimes unusual world, but interesting how such different people can have the same desires.
I will submit a bio for you to playgirl crazy one, but I will have to leave the photography to your honey buns! I think they may have an "old" guy issue each year! Just kidding...send them some pictures what the hell!
When were you in the USAF, where were you stationed, and what job did you do?
I was in 1983-2005; based in Spain 83-87, Japan 87-90, Germany 90-94, England 94-98, and returned to Germany 98-present; Ammo job storing/testing/assembling/delivering bombs/missiles to fighters/bombers.
The thought of getting my private pilot's license has crossed my mind. Now that I've got the money, I've just got to work out the time to follow that dream again. And don't worry, once that's done I'll fly you anywhere you heart desires!
Don, I was in from 89-95. I was stationed at Keesler in Biloxi, MS for @ 2 years and then came back home (Reserve enlistment). I was sent to Panama for the Noriega thing and activated for Desert Storm.
I was an Avionics Comm/Nav specialist on C-130H aircraft. Loved the Air Force, hated Clinton and got out during the Sensitivity/Homosexual training bullcrap. I miss the planes and I miss the dreams of flying them.
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