Why after 36 years am I so baffled by the likes of Peppermint Patty? Have you ever really taken a good look at this character that Charles Shultz created in 1966?
I was watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving special lastnight and I took a long hard look at this mixed up individual. Peppermint Patty is a girl, looks like a boy, acts like a boy, has a crush on Charlie Brown and Marcie calls her "Sir".
I think it is rather strange that such a character was brought to light in the 1960's. I know....strange topic, but I never really took much interest in her until lastnight. I guess as children we do not dig deep into the layers of a person--we simply like or dislike them.
I have to wonder what Charles Shultz was thinking when he made her a member of the Peanuts clan. Ironically, one would think that Peppermint Patty would have been a terrible outcast in those days. She would seem to fit in much better in the 21st century. Nowadays it's almost fashionable to be sexually confused.
I know you are all probably saying, "Citizen Sun has lost her marbles." I just really never noticed how odd this character was......I guess as a little girl I was just happy to see those funny little faces prancing around on the family television. Oh to be a child again......less thought, less judgement and social acceptance. Maybe we should all revert back to our childhood once in awhile and stop looking at the indifferences in people and just be glad to be prancing around.
I don't know what's up with Patty, but it never bothered me that much. I must agree with you on this one, less judgement is better. We all have our thing that others would consider freaky or odd and it's nice to know there are others out there that won't judge or laugh.
Long live the strap-on!!!
I love Peppermint Patty (& frozen peppermint patties!) and the entire peanut gang!!! As a child, this was it for me...the entire bed set, curtains, stuffed snoopy, all the books, etc...Charles Schultz recently died. A man by the name of David Michaelis wrote his autobiography and it was just recently released. Controversial, of course, according to the Schultz family. Charles Schultz was a depressed man who's lives through the eyes of Charlie Brown...it's very interesting...Now who's the weird one with the Peanuts obsession!!!
Jimmy...crazy! That is about all I can say. Each time you provoke me to give you another name. Today is "Hot pants strap on guy." You do keep me laughing!
Hey ???--you win! I did not know those things about Charles Shultz..very interesting. Don't you think Peppermint Patty would at least be BI? She has zero female qualities. Weirded me out!
Ya, she had to have her bitch, Marcy, on the side since Chuck (as she liked to call him) wouldn't give her the time of day. Who is everybody's favorite from the Peanut gang? I liked Snoopy...he was always role-playing (Red Baron), being mischievous, scared of cats, and his best friend was the cutest little bird:) How about when the teacher would talk in class? Waaaa,waaaa-wa-waa...I mean what's that all about.
I was thinking how it's funny when you are a child, you're so innocent and so non-judgemental. I had a third grade teacher who when I think back now was probably a total flamer...not a bad thing, but at the end of each class day he was go to his tall metal cabinet and pretend to call Mary Poppins. It went something like this: "Ring-a-ling-a-ling, calling Mary Poppins, ring-a-ling-a-ling, calling Mary Poppings, oh, Hello Mary Poppins! Who was the best student today?" Then all us kids would have our arms raised pleading that each one of us was the best that day. Next, he would announce the child's name and yu know what that child would get-are you ready? A SUGARCUBE!!! Wow, we thought that was the greatest thing ever. And, of course, he would always rotate the students. Now, as I reflect back, I think that it was kinda strange:) Another story I have about innocence of children was this old guy Bob who hung out every single day at the community pool. I mean from Memorial Day til last the closing day. He was probably between 70 & 80 and was so tan and wore a speedo. He used a suntan oil that he made out of vegetable oil and iodine. Weird!!! All the kids thought he was the greatest...he would teach kids how to swim, how to dive (yep, looking back, he was awfully close when a child would be bending over to beginner dive into the water)...With so many child abusers being publicized nowadays, it makes me wonder if Bob was one back then. Wasn't very common knowledge back then for people to even question it. Who knows??? Just sometimes I wonder about things...
I know exactly what you mean. Didn't they identify pervs in those days? Did they just suddenly appear? Must a been a better day to be a perv back then. Ok how the hell did I get on this? Oh yeah--creepy Patty. I like Linus...the true Diplomat! I hate that f--kin bird. He had no self esteem. Snoop beat the shit out of him all the time and he just kept comin back for more.
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