Dear Alcoholics:
How in the world do you survive? What a tremendous toll you are taking on your body. I had a total of 4 drinks (in 6 hours) yesterday/last night and I feel as if every organ in my body has been violently diseased. You must stop what you are doing at once! If I feel this horrible for having a few drinks every couple of months I feel it is my duty to tell all of you who do this on a regular basis to stop killing yourself! Booze should be illegal!
To me there is nothing worse then spending money to wake up in the morning and feel like pure hell. I consider myself to be pretty healthy and if a small amount of alcohol causes this much pain in a healthy body---I can only imagine what it is doing to your regularly polluted body. Poison my friends, poison. Your liver called me last night and asked me to write this so for those of you who think "No harm in a little drink" RETHINK. Nasty, nasty stuff.
Sunny, if you only drink once in awhile and you weigh a buck-ten wet, booze can get you. If you do it all the time, your body is used to it and in the case of alcoholics your body needs it. Did you know that alcohol is the only drug that can kill you when you detox? Crazy huh! I gotta say I would never want to go the rest of my life without a drink or two.
Moderation is the way so slow down next time!!!
If I went any slower it would have been the next day. 4 drinks Jimmy in over 6 hours...the freakin ice melted! My great body is just not designed for poison anymore--it only accepts pleasure!!!!! ha ha.
Nicely put Em....ewwww.
I will tell you how I survive. By my newest drink craze. Evan Williams spiked Eggnog. If put in the fridge for an hour or so to chill, it just sets me right. Gotta love it!! Sonnie
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