One thing I am constantly accused of is overly speaking my mind. Is it always appropriate? No way. Am I always right--hell no. Will I stop openly expressing my opinion even when I know it may cause some controversy--NEVER! If I have an issue with my Numnuts--trust me, he knows it and he will hear about it until it is resolved. I have a very good reason for handling things this way........
It is important as women to speak our minds at will. Daily I encounter strong, big-hearted women who have something weighing on their minds, but instead of releasing it and moving forward--they repress it. This can be a very dangerous scenario.
A recent study came out that suggested that women have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke because of our innate ability to just hold back aggressions. We produce a chemical called oxytocin that supposedly helps calm us during times of intense stress (work, children, relationships, crisis, etc.). Sounds great, but here are some facts:
*Women who bury their emotions (to keep the peace) are 73% more likely to suffer from heart disease later on in life.
*Over 60% of women believe their biggest health threat is breast cancer but heart disease kills 6 times as many women as breast cancer.
*Heart attacks often strike without warning. If a woman does not realize heart disease is a health threat, she will not make heart healthy changes or respond to symptoms once they occur.
It is important as women to speak our minds at will. Daily I encounter strong, big-hearted women who have something weighing on their minds, but instead of releasing it and moving forward--they repress it. This can be a very dangerous scenario.
A recent study came out that suggested that women have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke because of our innate ability to just hold back aggressions. We produce a chemical called oxytocin that supposedly helps calm us during times of intense stress (work, children, relationships, crisis, etc.). Sounds great, but here are some facts:
*Women who bury their emotions (to keep the peace) are 73% more likely to suffer from heart disease later on in life.
*Over 60% of women believe their biggest health threat is breast cancer but heart disease kills 6 times as many women as breast cancer.
*Heart attacks often strike without warning. If a woman does not realize heart disease is a health threat, she will not make heart healthy changes or respond to symptoms once they occur.
*Women are less likely to survive heart attacks then men. Doctor's still don't know why. Stress is a major factor in causing heart disease in women.
My point with all of this is---if you have something on your mind please say it, mean it, say it again and get it off your chest. If you don't it may just kill you.
So friends for the sake of your health and to keep that pretty little heart "a tickin" please express yourself today. Let it out, get to the point and then let it go...........
You go girl!!
By the way, that picture you have up today totally makes me want to touch myself!!!!!!!!!!!!
What was Numnuts surprise?
I like what you said today for one huge reason. So often I hear women saying men don't understand, men just don't get it, men blah blah blah...etc.
Maybe we don't, but if all women spilled it like you just did...I think we would. Of course the same goes for you girls. You always think it's about the c_ _ _, but the boys need attention too! Just kidding, well maybe.
My grandmother always told me that you have a voice so use it and I do!!! I feel that it's one of my greatest strengths. Being able to speak your mind may not be liked by all, but hey, at least it's pure honesty. I can't even imagine what it would be like to not say anything...how it must tear people up inside it just say nothing. How can any relationship (friends,family,loved one,etc...) be honest if you don't open up. What are people afraid of? If I held everything in, I would definitely go off the deep end sooner or later. Be brave! Be honest and open! Free your mind and JUST SAY IT!!!
I have never held back at ALL when it comes to how I feel about something. I think that if you are straightforward with people, not only does it help you to release any pent up stress, but also to improve your relationships with others. How will anyone know, lover or friend, if they are doing something that is upsetting you unless you make an effort to share that with them.
I am glad to hear you all openly express yourself. It is good for our health! Nothing erks me more than those who sit and stew and then want you to guess as to what is wrong. Sadly many men have to endure this on a daily basis. I say ladies...Rip, Rant and Roar! It is good for yur heart in so many ways. Thanks for the comments and Jimmy leave yourself alone would ya?
Voicing one's opinion is a must. Just remember, "It is not always what you say, it is how you say it".Sometimes this is the even bigger issue. Be tactful and respectful to the other person when conveying your feelings. Something that even I need to work on myself. Always stand behind your feelings, but listen with an open ear for thier feedback. Sonnie
Ahh the "L" word Listen. Major part of most communication breakdowns. I am learning to really think prior to speaking and getting older has taught me to want to listen.
My favorite quote--"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; it is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchill.
Thanks Sonnie--glad your back!
I couldn't agree more on how important it is to let others know how you truly feel and something that I have had problems with (and still do) when it comes to really opening up with someone I LOVE, friends or partners.
The honesty can be brutal sometimes and something I can have a hard time with...but saying nothing can do even more damage to myself, the other person and our relationship! Experiences that I continue to learn from...I hope!
As much as I do believe that we all have a voice and should be heard. I agree with Sonya with having the ability to be respectful of others, unless you really just don't give a shit then I guess let it rip...what do you have to lose?! I know we all have those moments too and there is nothing wrong with that! There are people out there that need to be told a little honesty!
However, if we're talking about talking to the people we care about and/or respect, then thinking before you speak and also how you say it are KEY!
But I also think timing is VERY important. Sometimes the other person isn't ready to listen when you're ready to talk and it could make a perfectly good jesture into an ugly situation. Speaking your mind while influenced by something (alcohol, anger, a time when you are not yourself...) also is not the right time.
We should all just remember that there is a difference between being honest and open with those you care about and just speaking your mind and talking in the moment, it can bite you on the ass!
Being honest and open creates a line of communication where you want to talk and listen and understand each other.
Speaking your mind and talking in the moment can and will come across to others as you have something to say with no regard to how it effects those around you and with no desire to listen to them. Again, if you really don't care what they think then let it rip but if you do...THINK ABOUT IT!
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