I have never been one to reject an open forum for communication, but what purpose does "myspace" have in our crippling society?
Here is my opinion on adults who relish in their myspace page. People grow the f*** up! Ok, Ok, maybe that was harsh, but damn sparkles and techno and your how old? Let's start with the basics. One might say, Citizen Sun, you are no better, look at you and your "IF" Crusade. My response before I really humiliate those with a sparkle fetish is: At least the conversations I put out there are in an adult fashion and not to be viewed by children--- Sparkle Barbie!
So, you are 30, maybe 40 something and you spend at least 15-30 minutes a day posting shit about yourself and others so that anyone from anywhere can read about. Ok, fine, you want people to know you are not too old to party. Next, the pictures....come on people, even if you still look ok in the bikini, or those little mid-driff tops, is that something you want potential clients, employers or hell the stalker down the street to see?
It starts with the teeny boopers, like my niece. She claims to be 15--she is 12, she no longer wants to do anything outdoors, she chats back and forth with hundreds of other teeny boopers who post pictures of puppies and sparkles. That is because that is all I allow her to do. Many of her friends have half naked pics of themself, tons of foul language and talk of issues that are way out of their league. Do you know why??? Because they see all of those "adults" on those pages doing the same exact thing and what the hell--it must be ok, Aunt Sunny is doing it. No Aunt Sunny is not! Aunt Sunny is all grown up and does not need to blast half naked, drunken pictures of herself on the www. for the world to know that she has not matured.
Now, the bigger issue...TECHNO AND SPARKLES. This really creeps me out. Pictures of cute and fury animals, top friends in their 20's, myspaces created for 4 and 5 year old children-all done by GROWN women! These mothers even have pics of their little girls in bikinis! WTF is wrong with all of you? Seriously, I get it, you want to retain your youth and exploit your children--nice! Do so in the privacy of your own little twisted world.
When a 13 year old and a 40 year old are sharing the same entertainment and communication tools there is something not right. For the record, my niece is well aware that I monitor her every move and she is fine with it, she also knows that the "grown" women that plaster themselves on there are NOT role models. For those of you who do not set "yourspace" to private--there are small influencial children reading about your big night on your back again--way to go! Some of you even let your children read about your antics! The shame of it.
Ladies, I expect this from our male counterparts (forever adolescents), but not from you. Use the time you spend looking for pictures of fat people farting or a glimmering image stating you are a "Diva" towards something beneficial and influential. Write an article about why our youth is turning into a bunch of morons (your fault by the way) and set an example or create a suggestion of how to help. Myspace, yourspace, waste of space.
The dumb-ing down or numbing of society? Maybe, but maybe not. 1st Amendment – Freedom of speech and expression? Maybe, but maybe not. I do agree with the questions you raise, but people are who they are and while you do not have to join them, you also do not have be against them. Do not protest it, but instead lead by example.
Wasn’t it Ruth Handler who invented Barbie at the age of 43? Elizabeth (Lizzie) J. Magie who invented Monopoly at age 38, and who invented the Easy Bake Oven or Cabbage Patch dolls, etc, etc. All mothers and grandmothers who created stationary indoor games so they could interact and entertain their daughters and children. While today the content is certainly different so is society. Today it's creative web design (techno, sparkles & half naked adults who should cover up) and interactive media. The world, for whatever reason, now has a level of acceptance and tolorance for such otherwise seemingly "trash".
It’s good that you monitor your niece, but where are these children’s parents and why aren’t they monitoring and blocking certain content from their children’s otherwise innocence of youth? Perhaps they are the very adults posting these drunken escapades on MySpace. While you can’t change the world, it does take a village to raise a healthy well rounded child in today’s otherwise numb society and I’m sure the day will come when your niece looks back and thanks you for taking the time to show you care and be part of her village.
Hello fellow villager:
Excellent feedback and thank you for your comment. Yes, I may be a little harsh as to my clearly stated dislike of grown adults exploiting their children and everyone elses.
I also am very opinionated as to my utter dislike of an open digital genre that allows said children to view tasteless commentary between adults. There needs to be limitations--period.
You are right, I do not need to adhere to owning a myspace..but I will forever protest the indecencies that arise per its existance. Someone has to! Honestly, that is just the tip of why I feel all of the "age old" amendments need revisted now and then. They were enacted in a time that does not exist.
Love the list of ingenious inventions (Easy Bake, Barbie, Monopoly), I was quit the baker..but today, heaven forbid they are attracted to something so pure. I know, I know, different era, but my Gen X, is to blame. Although I will say, you gave me hope as to not being too old to come up with the next "big idea."
If we must have these communication vehicles in our society..can we at least point out to the moms/dads of Gen X that they are to be examples, not specticals.
Thank you for your intellect, please stop by again!
As the Waterboy's Mama would say, 'Computers are the devil.' I truly believe the internet is the most helpful and harmful tool ever created by mankind. I don't really see why children are even allowed on the internet.
I met one girl who invited me to her myspace page. What a ho and a total wackjob. 33yrs. old and posting pictures of her activities. I believe our society has decayed beyond the point of no return and there is surely no turning back.
One a sidenote, it appeared there were many more female than male members on myspace. Forever adolescents... well maybe but some of us miss our youth and now enjoy being able to have fun without being stupid. We just want you to have fun with us!!!!
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