This will probably bore most of you, but what the hell. I have a solution for anyone who may get a spare hour, have some anxiety, come home and be disgusted by the days events, view the world as a slow progression as the armpit of the world, or just plain want to feel good........
You must turn on TCM (Turner Classic Movies). I for one am not much of a T.V. rat, so trust me when I tell you this is worth a look. It never fails---early morning, late night, Sunday afternoon, rainy Monday, this channel will uplift your spirit and remind you of how exceptional the world used to be.
This morning I woke at 4:34A.M. and decided to stay there for a few extra minutes. Instead of the misery of the morning news (murder, corruption, finance woes, those disgusting presidential elects) I would enjoy my favorite click to good ole TCM. I really lucked out!
This morning a great classic titled "Red-Headed Woman" was on and I was immediately enthralled. Produced in 1932, starring Jean Harlow and Chester Morris--is a perfect addition to your morning delight. Oh the beauty of those people and those days. I would have killed to live in the that era! The woman are smart, sassy, sexy, and RESPECTED. Everyone is dressed, the men are shaved and obviously smell good (I love their suits and hats), the women have places to wear a fabulously tailored dress (they have gorgeous curves), the drama is healthy and enlightening--not grossly violent or sexually fowl, their grammar is perfect and they REEK of class and seduction.......everyone. Let's not forget the music--you can actually feel the pleasantries of the notes.
Could you even imagine such a beautifully simplistic way of life? I can. Thanks Ted Turner for showing me at any hour of the day what I missed and how fucked up we are now. Come on....women respected? Watch an old movie people.
Hey Kiddo!
You know I love you, and Redheads even more, but I think you're overworked!
If that makes you happy Amen!
I wish it worked for me. Keep watching and tell me a good one.
The screwed up part is I need much more work. I need much bigger paychecks for as hard as my brain works....and I dislike redheads.
You would like this movie--I will find you another one. Oh and I didn't know you loved me...awwww! Thanks Jimmy my boy...I love you too! We should never pass up an opprotunity to follow suit when someone is kind. Never know when you will hear that again. People should say it more often! You are a good egg..a little cracked, but good.
Go find a little redhead. You would do well with one of those! No offense redheads, but I never met one I liked. Strange creatures they are.
I know what you mean on this one...Some of my favs are Doris Day and Cary Grant movies!
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