When we decide upon our choice of mates--how do we really know that this one is the right one? What if you venture off on a weekend business trip and just happen to sit next to someone who actually finds you as interesting as you really are? What if this person has all of the elements you have described in your head a million times as your perfect mate? What if they are available and you are not?
I bet this happens all the time. But how many people go home and think, "Boy, I would love to have someone like that!" I bet that happens all the time. What if they have that thought and then look over and find their chosen one is the exact opposite as this fancy new stranger? I know what they do.....they sit there and stay miserable to uphold their morality.
Here is what I say to that: Fuck morality. Besides the tales of heaven and hell, what has morality ever done for anyone other than really give you a good conscience? Did you ever get an award for your good morality? Did all your friends and family stop by with a "cake and presents" the day you decided to NOT accept a drink from a hot guy across the bar? Did you get a promotion and corner office because you live your life as "Moral Martha?" NO.
Oh and for those who always think I am referring to myself with this one--your right! Anyway, here is the meanings of morality:
1. conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct.
2. moral quality or character.
3. virtue in sexual matters; chastity.
4. a doctrine or system of morals.
5. moral instruction; a moral lesson, precept, discourse, or utterance.
We immediately need to remove #3. And for #4, I want to know who wrote the doctrine and why do I have to live by a system? For #5, who's the instructor and what do they know.
Oh I bet you christian people are boiling about now! How dare she...the morality she speaks of was spoken by Christ. Right? I feel ya, but Christ lived a very, very, long time ago and let's face it things have changed. I haven't seen a camel rolling through the grounds in awhile....so maybe we need to update our "new and improved" list of what is and is not morally acceptable.
For the record: I am not only referring to morality as per relationships--we are plagued with its restraints in everything we do. My definition of morality is one word: Guilt.
We feel guilty for eating wrong, sleeping too much, talking too loud, looking too good, have big money, having no money, I have even felt guilty for giving too much. I assure you in my mind this all goes hand-in-hand. I am going to have to get back to this subject later, but if your out there and you want to beat me up about the Christ thing, or you want to tell me the world would be utter caios if we dropped a bit of the morality then please.......I would love to hear from you. Our woes in the world have nothing to do with morality--it comes from greed. Entire new subject for later.
Again for those of you who think my writings display some hidden message of misery--pick up the phone and call me. You will see I am a very happy person with a wicked mind that likes to rant--so don't be so dramatic!
Citizen Martha
In some ways I agree and in others I don't. I will make this short and sweet!
Morality = set of someone elses rules.
Conscience = your own set
Guilt = feeling bad about something you did or did not do because you believe your own actions to be questionable at best
Solution = Do what you think is right but if you feel guilty later, maybe you're kidding yourself.
That's just how I look at the whole thing. Everyone will view certain actions differently depending on their upbringing and lifestyle.
I know you're happy Kiddo, and I like it that way.
Does "hospitality" come from hospitals??? Cuz I know there's not a lot going around there...I don't know why we care about what anybody else thinks, we should just do what we think is best for ourselves. YOu only have one life, so shouldn't we take risks instead of asking ourselves "what if?" I know I don't practice this, but I should...We all know the difference between right and wrong and those are morals we should live by. For instance, thou shalt not kill...that's obvious, so live by it. Like I said, do what you think is best for YOU, and be on this earth to give a little good to it and hopefully you'll get good in return...that's all we can really wish for. Things happen for a reason, don't they? Or, I'd like to think so...:)
Ok missy, you know I am the Queen of immorality and struggle with the guilt of it everyday. My decision to put myself first for once in my life has, as you know, sometimes brought me to my knees. I lived to make everyone happy and that's what I thought made me happy. WRONG!!!!!!!!! The older I get(no AARP jokes)the more I realize I get one shot at this and I deserve it. I am a good person who just made some bad choices. So I'm putting it out there to the big man in the sky. I have to believe he or the universe has a big plan for me. I'm just starting and give me strength. I will listen to you and accept that drink from the man across the bar.
Ah yes, the age old morality debate. What a wonderful and fascinating subject. Where would we be without morality? Morality shapes the type of individual we are; are we trust worthy, are we reliable, do we throw caution to the wind in less than “ideal” circumstances, do we live our life with reckless abandon, do we not care about the consequences our actions have.
Our actions, our train of thought of how we perceive the world, a simple smile to a stranger, our willingness to lend a helping hand to those in need, our ability to care for one another, all fall under the umbrella of morality. Without some sort of basic moral structure in our lives and in our “worlds” we would live in a world similar to that of many third world countries who harbor and aid terrorist and proclaim the right to murder and torture innocent individuals without recourse, a world where children could be bought and sold as sex slaves, a world where slavery still existed and thrived. We would live in a world where love did not exist. A world where your partner in life was picked for you and you had no recourse. A world where if someone had something you wanted you could just take it and make it your own, a world without structure or recourse for ill advised actions.
INDIVIDUALS: Morality is instrumental in shaping the world we live in. Individuals with a strong sense of morality are usually individuals with integrity, who display strong character and backbone, individuals who do not fall into the unrealistic belief that the grass is always greener on the other side. The grass is not. It may look greener from afar, but when you get to it and walk around for a while you find that it stinks just as bad (if not worse) and realize that they were using a lot more manure to give it that enticing outward appearance from afar.
RELATIONSHIPS: Morality is an instrumental part of a marital relationship. If a man or woman walks away from a marriage after a certain amount of time; does that make them morally bankrupt? Not necessarily. There are extenuating circumstances that come into play with each relationship. Was the relationship abusive, was one of the partners abandoned, in these and a few other circumstances then walking away may in fact be warranted or justified. Where as an extra-marital affair could not be viewed as acceptable. If the relationship is that bad, this country profides an out called divorce
But, the way today’s society in this country is moving forward with so many relationships not taking that final step to consummate the partnership, walking away could and would be more understandable and accepted from a moral standpoint. That’s called dating. If the couple is not willing to take the extra step forward (for whatever reason) then it could be deemed acceptable if one of the “partners” decides to step back or out of such a relationship. Does that cause hurt? – Yes. Does that mean the partner who stepped back or out is immoral – No. The reasons could be many or few, but again if the couple does not take the extra step to consummate the relationship then “the tie that binds” is non existent and that in itself could be a problem and could be deemed a more acceptable reason for stepping back or out.
CONCLUSION: Does morality equal guilt. Well that depends on the person, the doings, the relationship, and character, integrity, and backbone of the individual performing the act that you feel warrants such a feeling as guilt. A person can feel guilt and still move forward with the wrong doings, but that individual has to understand and assume responsibility for the consequences of those actions. For every action there is a reaction which is what so many people seem to forget or do not realize. People without a strong moral fiber and background sometimes tend to act without thinking on a more consistent basis.
EXTRA: While I am not one to suggest that your writings have a hidden message of misery, I will say that writings often do, for the most part, convey a window to an individual’s thoughts and feelings even in such instances as a rant.
The subject of morality is far to complex and ventures down to many vast and enticing psychological avenues. Avenues that can not be expanded upon with such a small venue as this blog.
Is it me or did that sound like a lecture?
I agree with you about one thing, someones' writing does give a glimpse into that person's inner being. With that being said, why isn't your partner giving you the attention you need? It sure sounds like you need attention or you're just plain trying to get noticed. Relax!!!!!
This is just a friendly blog and I sort a like it.
There have been some new heavy hitters running through this blog--Jimmy my boy! I have been swamped so I am yet to dig into it. I do enjoy the time they take and the obvious intense thinking. I have a feeling the newest "anons" are male. Not sure yet.
For the record: I think we have done a fine job expanding the avenue of morality on this small venue. Like I said--fuck morality. Was their anything else I needed to say with that? I posed my position in a few paragraphs.
I do not believe morality shapes the type of individuals that we are....but I have to get back to that later! I do love the diversity with this one. Thanks everyone and keep them coming.
Never mind....that is all woman! Impressive.
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